Today we’ve seen a wide range of media outlets around the world cover the news about Wikipedia’s 10th anniversary. Some stories recount the history of the project from its humble beginnings, and others collect the viewpoints of big thinkers on the topic of web and technology. The Foundation’s Executive Director also published an op-ed piece in the Guardian that looks into the project and its pioneer beginnings. It’s wonderful to see so many media outlets, blogs, and great institutions probe deeply into the stories of Wikipedia, and start to ask big questions about Wikipedia’s considerable impact on society and the internet.
Wikipedia 10 celebrators around the world are documenting the coverage on, a wiki specially created for the occasion. Some of the highlights of the day:
The Times of India out of Bangalore discusses Wikipedia’s push for more local language content.
The Atlantic from New York prepared a wide-ranging package of content about the anniversary, including insights from Wikimedia advisory board members Craig Newmark, Jay Rosen, Clay Shirky, and Ethan Zuckerman.
Read Write Web asks readers what Wikipedia will look like in ten years.
The Washington Post featured a lengthy piece on the history and future of Wikipedia, including an interview with Jimmy Wales.
Italy’s La Repubblica covered the occasion, and made a visit to the Foundation’s San Francisco offices earlier this week.
Wired UK and the US Wired are in the midst of ‘Wikipedia week‘ and have included some great Wikipedia lists.
The Guardian‘s feature op-ed by Wikimedia ED Sue Gardner ran earlier today.
We’ll update the media coverage page over the next week as more global coverage emerges, and as we cross the threshold of the big anniversary.
Jay Walsh

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