EVENT: Time for a Rewrite: Telling women’s stories in news media, on Wikipedia, and beyond

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Credit: Illustrations by Jasmina El Bouamraoui and Karabo Poppy Moletsane, (CC0 1.0).

Watch a recording of the event on YouTube.

On Thursday, March 25, the Wikimedia Foundation and George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs hosted a free, virtual event about gender disparities in the media and information landscape and the collective action needed to generate solutions.

Event speakers from academia, journalism, activism, and the nonprofit sector discussed shortcomings in the information landscape (the universe of resources we turn to for knowledge) to recognize women, and how organizations, industries, and individuals can work together for change. 

The event is part of Project Rewrite, a new gender equity initiative from the Wikimedia Foundation, calling attention to the persistent gender gaps on Wikipedia — the missing representation of cis and transgender women — and calling on everyone to help close them.


  • Janeen Uzzell, Chief Operating Officer, the Wikimedia Foundation (@janeenuzzell)
  • Dr. Rebekah Tromble, Director of the Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics, George Washington University (@RebekahKTromble)
  • Emily Ramshaw, co-founder and CEO, The 19th (@eramshaw)
  • Kira Wisniewski, Executive Director, Art+Feminism (@kiraface)
  • Anusha Alikhan (facilitator), Senior Director of Communications, the Wikimedia Foundation (@AnushaA100)

Watch a recording of the event below.

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