Welcoming WikiNusantara 2023 in Banjarmasin

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WikiNusantara 2023 is a national-level conference for Indonesian Wikimedians that is held annually in a different city across Indonesia. The conference has successfully provided a diverse platform for Wikimedians who contribute to Wikimedia projects based in Indonesia. It has become a platform for connecting, communicating, and cooperating to identify the best practices and strategies for contributing to Wikimedia projects in their respective regions. This year, the conference will take place in Banjarmasin from May 20th to 21st, 2023.

The conference has become of great importance for Indonesian Wikimedians, catching interest as a place to share knowledge and meet fellow Wikimedians from Indonesia. WikiNusantara was first organized in 2019, with Yogyakarta as the first city where it was held. The second conference was scheduled to be held in Padang in 2020, but it was called off due to the COVID-19 pandemic and finally held in 2022. Therefore, we are excited to host the third conference in Banjarmasin because we know that conferences play an important role in encouraging and increasing collaboration and unity among Indonesian Wikimedians.

Our Fabulous theme

The theme has been changing every year and for this year we use Bahandip: Bersama Berkreasi dalam Keberagaman (Bahandip: Innovate Together through Diversity). as our theme for this year. We selected the theme as a form to highlight the importance of collaboration in our work. The theme was inspired by the word “Bahandip” which is a word to describe communal work or Indonesian usually called as “gotong royong’’in Banjarese Language. By using these themes, we hope that community members from different groups have a sense of camaraderie between each other.

Learn more about WikiNusantara 2023 on Meta-wiki.

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