This post documents Wikimedia User Group Nigeria 2023 Demography Survey Report.
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Introduction and survey methodology
The Wikimedia User Group Nigeria Demographic survey is designed to collect the demographic data of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. Data collection was done between 1 August to 30 September 2023. The survey was designed by the Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Department of the Wikimedia UG Nigeria with input from the executive members of the group and experienced members of the community.
Survey objectives
The primary objective of this demographic survey is to collect an up-to-date estimate of the demographic data of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. This demographic survey collected information on age, gender, ethnicity, religion, language, health and well-being, geographic information, marital status, income, employment, and education. This information is collected to assist the management of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria in evaluating and designing strategies and programs that would better meet the needs of our community members, as well as provide insight on how to better support our pool of volunteers.
Sample design
A cross-sectional research design was employed, in which data was systematically gathered from members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria community through both open and closed platforms. The data collection process involved the use of a Google survey form and data was exclusively limited to members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. A total of 212 members completed the survey and the results were analyzed.
A single questionnaire, segmented into six sections, was employed for data collection. Section 1 gathered information on membership, age, gender, language, religion, and sexual orientation. Section 2 focused on household and family details, encompassing marital status and the number of children. Education and employment status were the focal points of Section 3, while Section 4 addressed income and financial aspects. Section 5 was dedicated to collecting data on health and well-being, and finally, Section 6 gathered information on geographical location. The survey protocol was reviewed by the Executive members of the Wikimedia User Group who have experience working on similar research. Data on age, sex, sexual orientation, and marital status of survey participants were used to identify women and men who were above consent age.
Data Processing
The learning and evaluation team at Wikimedia UG Nigeria initiated the data processing 48 hours after the survey completion deadline. The collected data was transferred to Microsoft Excel for storage, followed by a comprehensive review to ensure consistency and completeness.
No inconsistencies or errors were identified during this review, which was overseen by the Director of Learning and Evaluation at Wikimedia UG Nigeria. Biomarker questionnaires were cross-referenced with electronic data files to identify and rectify any potential data entry inconsistencies.
Data entry and editing were conducted using the Excel 365 software package. The concurrent processing approach was adopted to enhance the likelihood of achieving error-free and accurate data.
Response rate
A survey sample comprising over 250 randomly selected members was established, with 212 individuals completing the survey, resulting in an 84.8% response rate. The gender distribution among respondents was 132 males and 80 females, reflecting a male-to-female ratio of 132:80.
Key findings
- Age Distribution: In the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, the membership is distributed across various age groups. Specifically, 44.8% of members fall within the age range of 25-34, 21.7% are aged 18-24, 18.9% fall within the age bracket of 35-44, and 9.9% encompass those aged 45-54 and 65-74. Additionally, 4.7% of members are above 55 years old.
- Gender Ratio: The results of this demographic survey indicate that within the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, 62.3% of members identify as male, while 37.7% identify as female. No binary gender was reported in the survey findings
- Ethnicity: The findings reveal the ethnic composition of the Wikimedia UG Nigeria membership as follows: 29.2% identify as belonging to the Yoruba ethnic group, 28.8% to the Igbo ethnic group, 19.8% to the Hausa ethnic group, and 22.2% do not identify with any of the three major ethnic groups.
- Religion distribution: Findings show that within the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, 64% of members identify as Christian, while 35.5% identify as Muslim. Only 0.5% of members of the group identify as non-religious. No binary gender was reported in the survey findings.
- Sexual orientation: The findings shows that 61.7% of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria identify as heterosexual, 8.2% identify as homosexual, 11.2% as bisexual, and 18.9% do not identify with any specific sexual orientation.
- Residential area: The survey findings indicate that 68.7% of members in the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria reside in urban areas, 19.9% live in semi-urban areas, and 15.2% live in rural areas.
- Education background: The findings indicate that members of the Wikimedia User Group are well-educated, with 52.4% holding a bachelor’s degree, 12.3% possessing a master’s degree, 5.7% having a Doctorate, 17% holding a high school certificate, and 2.8% having a Nigeria Certificate in Education.
- Employment status: The findings indicate that only 25% of members of the Wikimedia User Group are fully employed, 19.8% are unemployed, 23.6% are students, 19.8% are employed on part-time, 0.9% are retired, and 10.8% did not disclose their employment status.
- Financial dependence: The finding revealed that 63.2% of members of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria are financially dependent while only 36.8% are financially independent.
- Disability: The result shows that only 2.4% of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria lives with disability while 97.6% of members does not have any form of disability.
- Health insurance: 82.1% of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria does not have any form of health insurance while only 17.9% are covered by health insurance scheme.
- Geographical distribution: Members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria reside in Nigeria and are distributed across all 36 states of the country.
- Occupation: The findings indicate a diverse range of occupations among members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. Specifically, 19.3% are academicians, 9% are ICT experts, and 8.5% are engineers. However, the data does not specify the specific area within the field of engineering.
- Annual income: The finding shows a diverse range of income among members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. 36.3% of members earned between NGN 100,000 – NGN 500,000 annually, 11.3% earned between NGN500,000 – NGN 1,500,000 and 14.2% earned between NGN 1,000,000 – NGN 2,000,000 annually. Only 7.5% of members earn above NGN 5,000,000 annually while others do not report any specific income.
- Marital status: According to the findings 54% of members of the Wikimedia User Group are single, 40.3% are married 3.8% are divorced, and less than 2% did not provide information about their marital status.
- Family size: Members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria exhibit diversity in the number of children within their families. Specifically, 16.3% of members have 2 children, 16.9% have no children, 13.4% have more than 5 children, 11% have 3 children, and 10% have 4 children.
The above findings provided information regarding the characteristics of our diverse community of volunteers as well as their living conditions and this may provide additional insights on how these indicators or factors impact their volunteering works on Wikimedia projects. These will be presented in the next chapters.
Age distribution

The survey finding shows that in the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, the membership is distributed across various age groups. Specifically, 44.8% of members fall within the age range of 25-34, 21.7% are aged 18-24, 18.9% fall within the age bracket of 35-44, and 9.9% encompass those aged 45-54 and 65-74. Additionally, 4.7% of members are over 55 years old. This shows the majority (48%) of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria are youth. According to the Youth Policy in 2019, the age range for Youth in Nigeria is 18-29 years.
Members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria are largely youths who have access to the internet and can contribute to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. 44.8% of members falling within the age range of 25-34 is a huge advantage for the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria as this age bracket is predominantly the age group that are most active on the internet. In 2021, Statista, a German online platform specializing in data gathering and visualization, reported that one-third of worldwide online users belonged to the 25 to 34 age range, establishing them as the predominant demographic among global website visitors.
These findings are consistent with our own findings in this demographic survey. Nevertheless, various factors, including technical expertise, internet expenses, occupation, and geographical location, may influence individuals’ capacity to contribute significantly to local community activities, and by extension, to Wikimedia projects. Despite these considerations, the 25 to 34 age range undoubtedly represents a positive and valuable demographic for the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria.
Members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria are largely youths who have access to the internet and can contribute to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. 44.8% of members falling within the age range of 25-34 is a huge advantage for the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria as this age bracket is predominantly the age group that are most active on the internet. In 2021, Statista, a German online platform specializing in data gathering and visualization, reported that one-third of worldwide online users belonged to the 25 to 34 age range, establishing them as the predominant demographic among global website visitors.
These findings are consistent with our own finding in this demographic survey. Nevertheless, various factors, including technical expertise, internet expenses, occupation, and geographical location, may influence individuals’ capacity to contribute significantly to the local community activities, and by extension, to Wikimedia projects. Despite these considerations, the 25 to 34 age range undoubtedly represents a positive and valuable demographic for the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria.
Most members of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria falling between the ages of 25 and 34 are a great asset to the community, and if maximized by empowering them to contribute, it would help in the growth, development, and sustainability of the community. Although there are existing frameworks developed by the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria to support youth participation in programs, and funding is provided to them as grants through the Wikimedia UG Nigeria Fan Clubs, there are still needs for adapted efforts to effectively support them.
There are other programs designed by other sister organizations, such as the WikiVibrance project, designed to “acknowledge and celebrate young Wikimedians advancing open knowledge through community engagement designed for creating synergies, sharing knowledge, and building capacities to contribute to the content of selected thematic areas across Wikimedia projects”.
Gender ratio
The results of this demographic survey indicate that within the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, 62.3% of members identify as male, while 37.7% identify as female. No binary gender was reported in the survey findings. This finding shows there are more male and female contributor to Wikimedia projects among our members.
In Nigeria, the male population is approximately 107.83 million, while the female population is around 105.57 million as of 2021. This indicates a slightly higher number of males than females. Consequently, it would be expected that the gender ratio among members of the Wikimedia User Group should not exhibit a significant difference. However, a substantial gender gap exists, with a ratio of 62.3% to 37.7% in favor of males.
This data correlates with existing data on gender disparity on Wikipedia. Existing data indicates a potential skew towards male users among those who engage in editing. Some sources suggest that up to 90% of Wikipedia’s editors are male, highlighting a notable gender imbalance in the editing community. A survey report published by the Wikimedia Foundation on April 27, 2012, shows that nine out of ten Wikipedia editors are male.
This gender disparity among members may translate into an imbalance in active participation on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. This, in turn, could directly influence content creation, affecting both the exhibited bias and the overall quality of contributions. Between 2016 and 2018, Wikimedia User Group Nigeria initiated programs with a focus on women to encourage their participation in the Wikimedia movement. These efforts included collaborations such as Wiki Loves Women with Wiki in Africa and Decolonize the Internet with the Goethe Institute.
However, these programs have since been discontinued without documented reasons. There is a critical need to reassess and potentially revive these initiatives while also developing new programs that pave the way for increased women’s participation in Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. The current demographic survey data shows the pressing need to actively recruit more women and promote their involvement in leadership roles within Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. Doing so strategically can serve as a vital approach to augmenting the representation of women within the Wikimedia community in Nigeria.
The findings reveal the ethnic composition of the Wikimedia UG Nigeria membership as follows: 29.2% identify as belonging to the Yoruba ethnic group, 28.8% to the Igbo ethnic group, 19.8% to the Hausa ethnic group, and 22.2% do not identify with any of the three major ethnic groups.
It is not definitively established from our findings whether ethnicity correlates with the contribution patterns of volunteer members in our community to Wikimedia projects. However, it does seem apparent that the membership of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria encompasses individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This suggests that the community is inclusive, accommodating members irrespective of their ethnicity, without any single ethnic group dominating the user groups. Such a diverse composition promotes values of diversity, inclusion, and equity, contributing to the overall well-being of the community.
Given the diversity within the members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, it is crucial to decentralize the User Group activities to better reflect the contributions of members from various ethnic group. Although there have been initiatives like the establishment of Wikimedia UG Nigeria Networks to decentralize activities, a more structured approach is required to ensure the active participation of all ethnic groups. Collaboration with existing user groups, such as Yoruba , Hausa , Igbo , and Tyap User Groups, is essential for promoting inclusion and promoting engagement among these diverse ethnic communities. This synergetic approach would help to promote the growth and sustainability of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria as an established Wikimedia User Group in Nigeria.
Religion distribution
Findings show that within the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, 64% of members identify as Christian, while 35.5% identify as Muslim. Only 0.5% of members of the group identify as non-religious.
This finding indicates that Wikimedia User Group Nigeria is dominated by Christians (64%), and only 35.5% are Muslims. Christianity and Islam are the two dominant religions in Nigeria. The South is dominated by Christians, and Northern Nigeria is dominated by Muslims. Most activities of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria take place in the south, mostly in the south-west and south-south, with only a handful of activities taking place in the north. These religious disparities may pose challenges to the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. Hence, there is a need to bridge this gap.
There is a need to design programs and activities targeted at Northern Nigeria to promote their participation and recruitment among the user group. The Wikimedia User Group Nigeria in 2022 designed the Train the Trainers program to help build capacity for its members, especially the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria Networks across the 36 states of Nigeria and has prioritized the North this year.A capacity-building program was implemented in Gombe in September 2023, and this may translate into more people from the North joining the user group. Considering that Islam is dominant in the north, the program may result in more Muslims joining the community.
Additional programs specifically tailored for the northern regions, including the north-central area, should be developed, and implemented to actively promote an increase in Muslim membership within the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria.
Sexual orientation
The findings shows that 61.7% of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria identify as heterosexual, 8.2% identify as homosexual, 11.2% as bisexual, and 18.9% do not identify with any specific sexual orientation.
This finding shows that while majority of members (61.7%) of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria identified as heterosexual, there are members who are homosexual (8.2%), and bisexual (11.2%). Sexual orientation encompasses an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction, which may be directed towards persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or both sexes or more than one gender. The term LGBT (or GLBT) represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender identities. Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same.
There is a need to promote equity, diversity and inclusion (EIA) in the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria by encouraging more people to join the group regardless of their sexual orientation and there is a need to enforce the Wikimedia Universal Code of Conduct to ensure that non-heterosexual members of the community feel safe to contribute without the fear of harm or discriminated based on their sexual orientation.
Residential area
DThe survey findings indicate that 68.7% of members in the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria reside in urban areas, 19.9% live in semi-urban areas, and 15.2% live in rural areas.
While this data showed that the majority (68.7%) of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria live in urban areas, a significant number of members reside in rural areas. In rural areas, there is limited access to the internet, and this may limit contributions to Wikimedia projects from members who reside in these areas.
The International Telecommunications Union’s ‘Measuring Digital Development reported in 2022 that only 23% of Nigerians and other Africans in rural areas will have access to the Internet in 2022, compared to 64% of their urban counterparts. In addition to limited access to the internet by people who live in rural areas, there is also limited access to electricity. Lack of electricity to power electronic devices such as laptops, phones, tablets, and related devices may impact their contributions to the Wikimedia User Group and the Wikimedia projects.
Only a handful of Wikimedia-related activities take place in rural areas. The implication is that members who live in rural areas would not be able to participate in the group’s activities. There is a need to find more strategic ways to engage members of the community who live in rural areas. The Wikimedia User Group Nigeria could partner with Kiwis or WikiFundi to get offline internet-in-a-box for members who live in rural areas, while members who live in urban areas are continually engaged. A mini solar system may be donated to dedicated members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria who live in rural areas.
Marital status
According to the findings of this demographic survey, 54% of members of the Wikimedia User Group are single, 40.3% are married, 3.8% are divorced, and less than 2% did not provide information about their marital status.
The finding shows that single members comprise the majority, accounting for 54% of the surveyed population. This suggests that the group may have a younger demographic, as younger individuals are more likely to be single. Furthermore, it could indicate that the group attracts individuals who prioritize their involvement in the Wikimedia community over other personal commitments.
Conversely, married members constitute 40.3% of the total, indicating a substantial portion of the membership. This diversity in marital status might suggest that the group accommodates individuals across different life stages, attracting both younger contributors and those with family commitments. It reflects a welcoming environment that embraces members from various backgrounds and circumstances.
A smaller percentage, 3.8%, of the surveyed members reported being divorced. While this figure may seem relatively low, it raises questions about potential trends or factors within the group contributing to divorce rates. Further investigation into this subgroup could provide valuable insights into the intersection of personal life and community engagement. Additionally, less than 2% of respondents chose not to disclose their marital status. This minor percentage may indicate a preference for privacy among some members regarding personal information.
However, the overwhelmingly high level of disclosure suggests a general comfort level among respondents in sharing this aspect of their lives within the community. Overall, the distribution of marital statuses among Wikimedia community members offers a glimpse into the diversity and complexity of the group. Understanding these demographics can inform strategies for community engagement and support, ensuring inclusivity and relevance for all members regardless of their circumstances.
Family size
The analysis of the diversity in the number of children within families of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria offers valuable insights into the demographic makeup of the community and potential implications for community engagement strategies. 16.3% of members of the group, have two children. This suggests that this subgroup may represent a distinct life stage or family size preference within the community. Similarly, the finding that 16.9% of members do not have children indicates a diverse range of circumstances within the group. This subgroup could include individuals who are unmarried, childless by choice, or simply at a stage in life where starting a family hasn’t yet been a priority.
This data is particularly significant, as it may encompass single youth, as evidenced by the high percentage, underlining the importance of accommodating diverse life stages within the community. On the other end of the spectrum, 13.4% of members reported having more than five children, suggesting a subgroup that places a high value on family life alongside their engagement in Wikimedia activities. This group may be influenced by cultural or societal factors regarding family size, adding to the diversity within the community.
Meanwhile, 11% of members indicated having three children, while 10% reported having four. These percentages highlight additional substantial subgroups within the community, possibly sharing common family size preferences or specific life stages. The diversity in the number of children within families of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria provides valuable insights into the varied family structures and life stages of its members. This information would enable us to tailor our activities and support to meet the unique needs and preferences of different subgroups within the community.
During the planning stage, several considerations must be taken into account to ensure inclusivity and support for all members. This includes acknowledging that members with young children, including those on maternity leave, may be absent from events and providing flexible participation options to accommodate their needs. Additionally, offering supportive policies such as parental leave, childcare support, and lactation facilities can assist members during the transition to parenthood and positively impact their well-being and engagement within the community.
Annual income
Majority of members of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria, comprising 36.3% of the group, earn between NGN 100,000 and NGN 500,000 annually. This income range likely reflects a diverse socioeconomic background within the community, where individuals may face varying degrees of financial constraints. For many in this category, finding careers that provide sustenance may take precedence over volunteer commitments, potentially dividing their attention between earning a livelihood and contributing to Wikimedia initiatives. To address this challenge, the community may need to establish support systems tailored to assist members facing financial difficulties, such as mentorship programs, skill development opportunities, or networking events aimed at fostering connections and resource-sharing.
In contrast, a smaller percentage of members fall into higher income brackets, such as those earning between NGN 500,000 and NGN 1,500,000 annually (11.3%), or between NGN 1,000,000 and NGN 2,000,000 annually (14.2%). Members in these categories likely possess greater financial flexibility, enabling them to allocate resources towards supporting Wikimedia projects in various capacities. Their higher income levels may facilitate contributions through financial donations, investment in technology, participation in conferences, or backing community-driven initiatives, thereby enriching the group’s capabilities and impact.
Furthermore, a subset of members, comprising 7.5% of the group, earns above NGN 5,000,000 annually, indicating a significant level of financial affluence. These individuals may serve as key benefactors for the Wikimedia User Group, offering substantial contributions in the form of sponsorships, donations, or other forms of support. Their financial backing can significantly bolster the group’s resources and enable the realization of ambitious projects and initiatives.
However, it’s essential to acknowledge that a portion of members did not report their specific income, which presents challenges in fully assessing the overall financial landscape of the group. Privacy concerns or cultural factors may influence members’ willingness to disclose their income, underscoring the need for sensitivity and understanding when collecting such data. Nonetheless, despite these limitations, the income analysis provides valuable insights for the community to tailor its strategies and initiatives, ensuring inclusivity and equitable participation among members from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
Educational background
Education has an integral component of human capital development, with direct reflection on economic growth, employment and earnings of individual members and the nation at large, in a twist, it could also be termed as an investment made on human capital, which could be formal and informal.
In this survey, both formal and informal were taken into consideration, the results indicated that a good significant number of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria members can “read and write”, this earned us a powerful ingredient needed to contribute to social changes and also drive long-term developmental projections. Nevertheless, having a formal and informal education does not guarantee a decent job in most underdeveloped nations, especially in a nation, where there is a policy trust deficit from the majority of the citizenries, that “one may need to know someone in a workplace, before such bearer could secure a job”, this belief system, does not hold with Wikimedia User Group Nigeria initiated programs, we encourage, both informal and formal form of education holders to contribute without bias, independent juries are assigned to scrutinised the submissions from our contests, and to upscale the quality of member’s contribution, training and Re-trainings are done periodically in increasing the knowledge-based of members
Financial dependence
The reality is that financial dependency in Wikimedia User Group Nigeria members raised some concerns as 63.2% are dependent on their householder(s) to make ends meet, this is also compounded by poor access to bank credits, job insecurity, poor health insurance policy and awareness, population Surge and lot more.
There should be conceptual efforts by both the members and the management of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria to better the financial future of their members.
The level of financial dependency may need to be re-evaluated to capture more data to reflect the extent and other fragmented issues associated with financial dependency. Using poverty thresholds as an external benchmark for financial dependency; members’ (excluding undergraduate) income below the national poverty threshold, could be questioned because they do not have enough income independently for subsistence, though the demographic Survey conducted, measured members’ annual, settlement, number of children and work scope, however assessing their financial contributions as related to their household directly, through contributions towards rent or utilities, and other indexes need to be re-evaluated for better data analysis.
The objective here is to understand the percentage (%) of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria members with some level of disability and how this has impacted their productivity. The result shows that only 2.4% of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria live with a disability while 97.6% of members do not have any form of disability, according to research conducted in 2020 by Michigan State University, When you consider their readiness to learn, availability, and volunteerism spirits, the result shown that with effective support and management, their productivity rate could be improved on with exponential results and outcomes. Hence, there is a need for Wikimedia User Group Nigeria to broaden and diversify the pool of members’ engagement to capture people in disability spectrum.
Health insurance
With Nigeria government health insurance policy in place, 82.1% of members of the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria do not have any form of health insurance, and to attain Universal health coverage (UHC), the Executive member of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria may approach the National Health Insurance Authority for a flexible health plan to suit the needs of her members.
Members on active duty stand a lot to benefit from this, as the National Health Insurance Scheme covers medical emergencies and surgical emergencies, including brain surgery or heart surgery due to accidents, so, if the management of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria could partner with the Health Insurance Authority, this will go a long way in increasing the moral properties of members, hence showing more commitments to service the User Group.
Geographical distribution
This demographic Survey conducted by Wikimedia User Group Nigeria provided a comprehensive data on her membership spread across the board, this influenced lessened the challenges that could be associated with moving members from far distances to attend an event and eventually saving resources.
Correspondingly, the marginal effects of a multicultural country like Nigeria with diverse backgrounds and values as related to Wikimedia operations can not be overemphasized, hence attention needs to be beamed on geographical spreads with little/ few members domiciling in such areas for team bonding, optimal performance, and balance growth.
Though, this also has limitations with some hard-to-reach areas like the coastal towns in the Niger/ Delta creeks and the northern desert with navigation challenges

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