Hi everyone,
The Wikimedia Movement Charter is currently undergoing a ratification process. Voting on the Charter started on June 25 and will end on July 9 at 23:59 UTC.
If you have not voted yet, please vote now!
You can read the high-level summary of the Wikimedia Movement Charter, as well as an analysis of the Movement Charter content. This analysis highlights new proposals, changes to the current situation, and matters that remain the same in the Charter content areas.
What’s next after voting?
After the voting ends on July 9, the scrutineers will ensure that all votes on the ballot are valid. This work will take about two weeks. Once they confirm that scrutineering is complete, they will present their confirmation to the Charter Electoral Commission, which is responsible for running the final tally and reporting the final results. The Wikimedia Movement can expect to hear the results of the voting approximately on July 24.
All of the comments received during voting will be carefully organized by the MCDC support team and released to the wider community before Wikimania 2024.
MCDC gatherings in June:
- 3 June – MCDC members met with the Legal Team member of the Wikimedia Foundation to hear feedback on the Charter.
- 6 June – MCDC’s regular meeting: The full Committee was debriefed about the legal feedback. The Committee worked on the finalization of the Charter.
- 13 June – MCDC’s regular meeting: The Committee worked on finalizing the supplementary documents to the Charter.
- 27 June – MCDC’s regular meeting: The Committee discussed housekeeping items related to the voting process. The second half of the meeting was dedicated to MCDC internal reflections on the journey.

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