Next steps toward the creation of the interim Global Resource Distribution Committee

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The Wikimedia Foundation will create the interim Global Resource Distribution Committee (GRDC) in March, as a 2-year experiment, in another step to decentralize the distribution of funds across the Wikimedia Movement. This body will be responsible for making decisions over the Community Fund and the structures and processes to distribute it. It will also oversee the Regional Fund Committees (RFCs).

The interim GRDC will advise the Foundation on how to allocate grants across regional, and if determined, thematic allocations. It will also provide recommendations and insights to the Foundation on how much of its budget should be made available for grants distribution. The final decision on the total budget allocation for grants to later be allocated in different portfolios will remain with WMF, with the interim GRDC advising and working jointly with the Foundation throughout all the steps of the process. We will recruit the initial 13 members of the committee through self-nominations and invitations made in collaboration with the RFCs and affiliates.

Last July, the Board of Trustees proposed an experimental resource distribution committee as part of their resolution and vote on the Movement Charter. We have gathered community and affiliate feedback through several conversations at Wikimania, regional events, consultations with affiliates, Regional Fund Committees, and online. These are the main changes based on this feedback:

  • Form the interim GRDC in March with a diverse group of specialized volunteers and staff. The initial proposal was to start in January only with RFC members.
  • Empower the interim GRDC to evolve the Regional Fund Committees after its creation. The initial proposal was to create the GRDC and evolve the RFCs at the same time and on a tighter schedule.

For more detailed information, please check the updated proposal (diff) and the reasoning behind the changes. We continue to welcome feedback to improve the plan and polish details. We will finish the plan to create the new committee in the next few weeks. We want to start the call for self-nominations at the beginning of February. If you or someone you know might be a good fit, we encourage you to stay tuned and get involved.

Wikimania 2024 group photo in 360 degrees.
Wikimania 2024 group photo 360 degrees

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