Insights, Recommendations and Future Directions: Enhancing Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons Experience in India

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With mobile devices becoming the dominant access point to the internet, particularly in the Global Majority where over 5 billion people rely on phones to get online(1), mobile applications play a critical role in facilitating knowledge sharing. Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons are invaluable platforms for free and accessible information, especially in a diverse and linguistically rich country like India. Recognizing this potential, I conducted a user research study to explore the experiences of Indian contributors using these platforms via mobile apps. The findings reveal how users interact with these vital tools and the challenges they face. These insights also point to opportunities for improvement. The findings of this research study regarding user behaviours, challenges, and opportunities demonstrate various avenues to enhance these vital tools. 

The Study’s Objective
The study aimed to evaluate the ease of contributing to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons through mobile apps for users in India. By engaging 53 participants from 14 language projects, the research provided a comprehensive understanding of user interactions with these platforms, focusing on their needs and preferences. The ultimate goal was to identify barriers and explore avenues for improvement.

Caption: Satpal (CIS-A2K)CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Research Methodology

The study used a purposive sampling approach, involving surveys, in-person training sessions, and qualitative interviews with 53 participants from 14 language projects. Feedback was gathered from active contributors and leaders within the Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons communities, as well as from students and staff during training sessions focused on editing within the Wikipedia app. Additionally, a technical review of the app’s performance was conducted, comparing key workflows against the desktop version and identifying issues such as crashes and editing difficulties as highlighted in user reports.

  1. Positive Reading Experience:
    The study revealed that most users appreciate the reading features of the Wikipedia app. However, while the app excels in delivering information, a majority of users expressed the desire for enhanced editing capabilities to match the functionality of the desktop version.
  2. Challenges in Editing via Mobile Apps:
    Contributors identified several limitations within the Wikipedia app, such as:
    • Inability to create new articles.
    • Absence of a user sandbox for drafting.
    • Lack of a “Recent Changes” feature for monitoring edits.
    • Limited options for adding categories to pages.
  3. Wikimedia Commons Needs:
    The Wikimedia Commons app also presents significant challenges for contributors using mobile phones. Users reported difficulties in uploading photos, managing contributions, and the absence of support for audio and video formats. Given the increasing importance of multimedia in knowledge sharing, these gaps hinder contributor engagement.
  4. Language Preferences and Inconsistencies:
    Participants noted inconsistencies between their selected language preferences and the content displayed on the Wikipedia mobile app. This discrepancy is particularly frustrating for users contributing in regional languages.
  5. Community Feedback:
    Workshops conducted as part of the study highlighted the enthusiasm of emerging contributors, especially those working on regional language Wikipedias like Kannada and Tulu. These users valued features like suggested edits but also pointed out critical gaps, such as the need for a Wikimedia Commons search feature integrated into the app.

Here are a few actionable steps and recommendations to address the identified challenges:

  1. Enhancing Editing Features:
    Collaborate with the Wikimedia Foundation to implement features like article creation, a sandbox, and red link previews in the Wikipedia app.
  2. Improving the Wikimedia Commons App:
    Introduce advanced tools for photo uploads, add support for audio and video formats, and enhance app stability to ensure a seamless user experience.
  3. Promoting Language Inclusivity:
    Work on aligning language preferences across mobile and desktop platforms to create a consistent and welcoming environment for contributors in regional languages.
  4. Further Research:
    Conduct additional studies to better understand the needs of mobile app users, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation.

Call to Action
I invite community members, developers, and product managers to engage with these findings and collaborate on improving the Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons mobile experiences. Your feedback and expertise can help shape these tools into more inclusive and efficient platforms for contributors worldwide. For an in-depth look at the study, read the full report here(2) on Meta.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to CIS-A2K for their support during this study. I am also grateful to User:KCVelaga and User:Bodhisattwa for their invaluable contributions in reviewing and refining the research. Most importantly, I would like to thank the 53 participants who shared their experiences and insights, making this study possible. Your contributions have been invaluable in shaping the findings and recommendations presented here.

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