Help shape the future of the ESEAP Region: apply to attend the 2025 ESEAP Strategy Summit!

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The East, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific (ESEAP) region holds a biennial strategy summit to discuss the strategic direction of the ESEAP region and its role within the Wikimedia movement and the Movement Strategy. This year has been eventful for the ESEAP Hub, with significant leaps in defining the region’s long-term goals; namely, the creation of the Theory of Change and the development of the region’s first Wikimedia Hub grant proposal. The Strategy Summit will provide community and affiliate members the opportunity to discuss changes and advancements within the region, find ways to strengthen collaboration and volunteer engagement, and develop valuable skills that aid in movement-related activities and forming regional partnerships.

This year’s ESEAP Strategy Summit will be held in Manila, the national capital of the Philippines. A vibrant and dense city at the heart of the nation with a centuries-long cultural heritage and history, Manila is the meeting point of many different Asian cultures. Bayanihan, an age-old tradition of collaboration, forms a core part of the Filipino spirit of hospitality and unity. In the spirit of collaboration, the summit is jointly organized by four Wikimedia community groups—Wiki Advocates Philippines User Group, Shared Knowledge Asia Pacific, Pilipinas Panorama Community, and Wiki Society of the Philippines—together with independent Filipino Wikimedians. Metro Manila was chosen as the host for this summit following a community vote in last year’s ESEAP Conference in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. The last strategy summit was held in Singapore, alongside Wikimania 2023.

Unlike the ESEAP Conference, which is also held biennially, alternating with the Summit, the Strategy Summit does not have a standard program with defined tracks. Instead, discussion topics and working groups will focus on general objectives for the event, namely discussion on the ESEAP Hub, the Movement Strategy, the Theory of Change, among others. The exact topics and sessions are currently being decided by the ESEAP Preparatory Council in collaboration with the Summit’s Programme team. More information will be found on Meta-Wiki when it becomes available.

For the Strategy Summit, we’re looking to connect attendees who have the wisdom and knowledge to advance the Hub and its strategy. We expect attendees to have:

  • A good understanding of the ESEAP Hub, including its mission and vision
  • Familiarity with Wikimedia projects and the broader Wikimedia movement
  • Knowledge of the role of volunteers and organizations—including affiliates—in contributing to the wiki projects and initiating outreach activities
  • A working or conversational level of English

Attendees to the Summit will be selected via three avenues: (1) through self-nomination, (2) through affiliate nomination, and (3) by invitation. The last group is reserved for members of the ESEAP Preparatory Council, the Summit’s Core Organizing Team (COT), select staff of the Wikimedia Foundation, and other subject-matter experts that we feel would be important contributors to the event. If you are a member of a recognized Wikimedia affiliate from the ESEAP Hub, we have already sent invitations last month requesting up to three representatives from your group to be part of the event. These representatives need not be staff or board members, as long as they fit the criteria. If you have not received an invitation, please get in touch with the organizing team.

For many, including community members and unaffiliated individuals, self-nomination is the most relevant method. If you believe you are a good match for the event, you may apply to go to the Summit by self-nomination. Any Wikimedian who is a resident or citizen in an ESEAP country or territory can apply for a scholarship. You may also self-nominate if you are a member of an affiliate, but you were not selected by your affiliate to represent them at the Summit.

A total of 60 scholarships will be shared between self-nominated individuals and affiliate nominees. There is no fixed number allotted for either; the COT will be selecting scholars based on various factors, including diversity and contribution potential. The COT may also select only some of an affiliate’s nominations to ensure equity and proper representation between the groups and communities involved. This event will not be accepting self-funded individuals, due to venue capacity and budget limitations.

Apply to attend the ESEP Strategy Summit by self-nomination before 9 February 2025.

If you have any questions about the Summit, feel free to reach out to the Core Organizing Team through the email, or by contacting the organizers individually through the details found on the Summit’s contact page on Meta-Wiki.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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