"The future of information is going to be collaborative": Jesús Lau 19 November 201615 September 2020 by Tomasz Kozlowskiand María Cruz
Wikimedia v. NSA update: first hearing 28 September 201525 September 2020 by Aeryn Palmerand Jim Buatti
Wikimedia opposes government’s motion to dismiss Wikimedia v. NSA 4 September 2015 by Michelle Paulsonand Geoff Brigham
ACLU files amended complaint on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation 1 July 2015 by Michelle Paulsonand Geoff Brigham
Wikimedia v. NSA: Wikimedia Foundation files suit against NSA to challenge upstream mass surveillance 10 March 201511 August 2020 by Michelle Paulsonand Geoff Brigham