Earlier in May Jan-Bart de Vreede, Vice Chair of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced the newest appointment to our Board. Arne Klempert is the very first chapter-appointed member of our board. The Wikipedia Signpost also covered the announcement. Welcome Arne!
The Board also announced that our current chair, Michael Snow, has been re-appointed to his post. Both posts run until July 2010. More details from Jan-Bart’s note to the Foundation-l mailing list below.
In April 2008, the Wikimedia Foundation gave the chapters a role in the board member selection process, by asking them to select candidates to fill two of the Trustees seats.
The Wikimedia chapters have selected Arne Klempert as a new candidate. In agreement with the board, they have decided to propose Michael Snow as their second candidate, with the intent of confirming his position on the Board of Trustees as occupying one of the chapters selected Board seats. The chapters are glad that both candidates have accepted their selection and hope that the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation will be able to formalize this as soon as possible. The selection of those candidates comes after many heated but fruitful discussions and represents the chapters’ will to introduce novelty and ensure continuity in the board of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Arne Klempert is Head of Digital Communications at IFOK, a German consulting firm. He is one of the founders of the German chapter. He was involved in the development of Wikimedia Deutschland first as vice-chair and then as Executive Director, until September 2008.
Michael Snow has served on the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation since December 2007, and was chosen in July 2008 to be its chair. Michael is a lawyer and has been involved in Wikimedia for many years as Head of the Wikimedia Communications Committee and creator of the Wikipedia Signpost, amongst other roles.
The chapters are confident that this selection brings quality, diversity and stability to the board of the Wikimedia Foundation, and that both candidates will capably handle the responsibilities of being Trustees. Both candidates are selected to fill a term that ends in July 2010.
Please join me in welcoming Arne to the board and congratulating Michael on his re-appointment. On behalf of the board I would like to thank all those involved in facilitating the process and making these appointments possible.
Jan-Bart de Vreede
Vice Chair Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
Congratulations to both Arne and Michael, and to the chapters for putting forth their first Board appointments.
Jay Walsh, Head of Communications

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