We have begun exploring ideas for enhancing the visibility of a donate button, not only within Wikipedia and the Wikimedia main template, but also on every page of every Wikimedia project. We hope that enhancement will enable us to better informing our public that we are dependent on their donations as we promote the free and open knowledge movement.
As we saw in the last fundraiser, different messages and visual styles had different outcomes: different levels of gifts, origin of donors, and frequency of donations. We expect that a small change to the Wikimedia design template will result in a big returns in donations — increasing funds we use to keep the Wikimedia movement alive and growing. We expect that in return for a bit of enhanced visibility, we will see a daily increase of up to 20% in donations.
Working with the same designer that worked on last year’s donation page, we have culled his 30+ button ideas into 6 that represent some of the better designs.
We have posted several design options for your comments and input.
Design is only half of this change… words are equally important. We are also looking for input on messaging on the donate button and on most Wikimedia articles. What are the simplest words we can use? Can the text be easily translated into dozens of languages? We need text that will communicate that we are a non-profit and and express the importance of donations in keeping our projects active.
Join the discussions on our donation upgrades page and catch a glimpse of the upcoming improvements to our community fundraising efforts!
Rand Montoya, Head of Community Giving

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