Greetings and Salutations from Office IT!

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In the Wikimedia Foundation, we’ve got two technical groups: the Operations/Development crew (the group you are used to hearing from on this blog) and ourselves in Office IT (OIT).  The OIT group is responsible for the Foundation’s internal computing needs.  This includes things like fixing the printers, getting new workstations online, as well as just making sure the internet stays up so the staff can keep working.  We’re just like any other in-company IT staff.
A while back Jeff Jones (Office IT Manager) and I were discussing how we could best give back to the community.  We do a lot of work with open source software inside the Foundation and there is no reason for us to keep what we’ve learned hidden.  After a bit of a chat, and running the idea up the flagpole, it was decided that posting on the Tech Blog would probably be the most useful.  We considered starting another blog, but it was suggested that the existing readers of the Tech Blog would probably be interested in what we’re up to, so here we are!
Our posts won’t be about MediaWiki or keeping up the cluster as that isn’t our area.  Our posts will however be covering a myriad of topics, as seen from our prospective.  Everything from how to setup WebDAV, Apache, and LDAP in one big happy family, to how well Ubuntu runs on specific hardware.  Hopefully, our content will be of interest to you, the readers, and if you have any specific requests, we’re open to suggestions.

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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