Wikimedia developers start second day of Berlin hackathon

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Typical traffic lights in Berlin
Green light: You can code now!

MediaWiki developers and Wikimedia engineers are starting their second day of coding, discussing and bug-smashing today in Berlin, Germany. This “hackathon”, organized by Wikimedia Deutschland, started yesterday, and will last until tomorrow Sunday.
After a short introduction yesterday, participants quickly moved on to group discussions, short presentations and coding. The event is run as an unconference, and this format has proven to be quite effective so far.
Lightning talks yesterday included presentations about the new datacenter (by Mark Bergsma), Kiwix and offline (Emmanuel Engelhart), PhotoCommons (Hay Kranen), OpenStreetMap integration (Tim Adler), WikiLove (Ryan Kaldari), PHPunit (Ashar Voultoiz), the new mobile gateway (Patrick Reilly), community-oriented testing (Ryan Lane), Narayam (Purodha Blissenbach) and distributed JavaScript testing (Timo Tijhof).
Several bugs were also fixed yesterday, but there remains quite a bit to smash during this hackathon.
A lot of group discussions (e.g. about HipHop, and the MediaWiki release plan) and actual coding happened during the afternoon and evening. You can take a look at all the notes taken yesterday in real time.
Today’s talks include discussions on “Identity” (Brandon Harris), performance, including plans to use HipHop for PHP (Domas Mituzas and Tim Starling), as well as many discussions and short talks about wikitext parsers.
To participate remotely in real time: You can still watch the live video stream (all talks are recorded), and participate in our live note-taking in etherpad.
You can also join us on IRC in #mwhack11 or #mediawiki on Freenode, and follow our activity using the #mwhack11 hashtag on Twitter and
Another way to participate is by testing some of the tools people are developing. For example, Purodha Blissenbach is looking for testers for Narayam (a keyboard mapping for Indic languages), and Hay Kranen would like people to test the PhotoCommons WordPress plugin. Please contact them if you want to get involved.
This year’s motto is “talk less, code more”. Happy coding!

Guillaume Paumier

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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Correction: the “Identity” short talk by Brandon Harris will take place tomorrow (Sunday).

[…] lot of work was already accomplished on Friday and Saturday, including presentations on test frameworks, coding of new features, discussions on […]

[…] from inside the Wikimedia « Wikimedia developers start second day of Berlin hackathon Developers go home after productive Berlin hackathon […]

[…] improvement and infrastructure; see the dedicated blog posts for more information (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday). A special effort was made on documentation and remote attendance: all the talks […]