When there is a code freeze or a slush, the potential for what is to be delivered is curtailed. It is official; you will not deliver new code, you will work towards consolidation of the new MediaWiki release.
One of the objectives for this and the next release is that the time between releases will decrease. Even though the Localization team works in two week sprints, it can help with getting the release out of the door. The first thing to do is help even more with code review, the other thing is make sure that its code will be optimised for easy coding, testing and use.
When you check out mingle, (user guest, password guest), you will find that the developers of our team are learning about the various testing tools. They are even updating the developer documentation to make it easier to understand how to set up new automated tests.
When you are testing, it is necessary that code provides information about its execution. This realization means that the code needs to be refactored in order to allow for testing. Documentation is another part of the puzzle that helps stabilise code; you will find a prodigious amount of documentation that is scheduled for this sprint.
All this translates in quite a minimal deployment for the first week. Its highlights are:
- Better error checking and handling in Special:Translate
- Translatable page id prefix changed from page| to page-
- Don’t reuse messages from core
- Fixed download of Vemana Telugu font
- Added font for Ahirani (ahr)
Narayam: Some fixes to Assamese transliteration rules
Core: the cropping of text in level 1 headers is fixed for Indic languages
Gerard Meijssen
Internationalization / Localization outreach consultant

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