Transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy complete

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After months of deliberation and a complicated transfer, the Wikimedia Foundation domain portfolio has been successfully transferred from GoDaddy to MarkMonitor. The portfolio transfer was formally completed on Friday, March 9th, 2012. The transfers were done seamlessly and our sites did not experience any interruption of service or other issues during the procedure.
As the provider of the 5th most visited web properties in the world, the Foundation cares deeply about who handles our domain names. We had been deliberating a move from GoDaddy for some time — our legal department felt the company was not the best fit for our domain needs — and we began actively seeking other domain management providers in December 2011. GoDaddy’s initial support of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the controversial anti-piracy legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, reaffirmed our decision to end the relationship.
After exploring numerous alternatives, the Foundation’s legal team decided that MarkMonitor could best provide the comprehensive services that we needed. MarkMonitor is a U.S.-based registrar with an office in San Francisco and has substantial experience managing other high-traffic domains. The company will help the Foundation consolidate and centralize management of all of its domains, will provide services needed to manage a global domain portfolio and will better protect our domains with additional security features.
The Foundation was already utilizing MarkMonitor’s brand protection services and we found their dedicated customer support team’s work to be exceptional. The use of their domain management services ensures greater efficiency in the handling of the Foundation’s trademark and domain name portfolios.
We have been very impressed with MarkMonitor to this point and we are confident we have placed the Wikimedia domain portfolio in competent hands.
Michelle Paulson
Legal Counsel

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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I’m glad. GoDaddy is an awful company.

I have been for years, seriously disheartened by many of GoDaddy’s decisions and policies that are not limited to their political viewpoints.
Thanks much for switching away from GoDaddy. I truly hope more sites will follow your example!

Great move! 🙂

All hail Wikipedia!

[…] Today, they announced the transfer of their sites domains from GoDaddy to MarkMonitor is officially complete. […]

[…] That loop hole of future potential laws appears to have been enough for Wales to go ahead and pull the trigger on Wikipedia’s Go Daddy registration. Wikipedia’s parent company, Wikimedia, announced on March 9th that they had completed their transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy. […]

gud move., godaddy support is awful.,

[…] Today, they announced the transfer of their sites domains from GoDaddy to MarkMonitor is officially complete. […]

[…] Posted by Michelle Paulson on March 9th, 2012 After months of deliberation and a complicated transfer, the Wikimedia Foundation domain portfolio has been successfully transferred from GoDaddy to MarkMonitor. Transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy complete […]

[…] We had been deliberating a move from GoDaddy for some time — our legal department felt the company was not the best fit for our domain needs — and we began actively seeking other domain management providers in December 2011. GoDaddy’s initial support of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the controversial anti-piracy legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, reaffirmed our decision to end the relationship. Transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy complete […]

[…] 此条目发表在 忙里偷闲 分类目录。将固定链接加入收藏夹。 ← snow again […]

Job well done! GoDaddy’s position on SOPA also helped MY future domain decisions.

Well done WP!
Your actions and commitments are recognized, and I will truly keep this in mind in my support to your site.

Go Wikis!

[…] Comprendre Wikipédia, ça reste compliqué sur Numerama avec 15 pages de commentaires surpris par l’admissibilité des articles (en début de semaine). L’auteur demande en ligne : Plus fondamentalement, qu’est-ce que Wikipédia perdrait à avoir des règles plus souples ?  ■ Un nouvel article Samedi : Wikimedia sanctionne Go Daddy pour avoir soutenu la loi anti-piratage SOPA (annonce officielle) […]

Surprised you didn’t move your domains outside of the US. Surely, the US is to blame for SOPA, not GoDaddy?

Thank you. Consistent with your blackout. You’ve walked the walk *after* talking the talk, but good enough.

[…] “The transfers were done seamlessly and our sites did not experience any interruption of service or other issues during the procedure,” Wikimedia announced. […]

[…] “The transfers were done seamlessly and our sites did not experience any interruption of service or other issues during the procedure,” Wikimedia announced. […]

I agree, GoDaddy isn’t the most reliable domain registrar.

[…] Link: Transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy complete (WikiMedia) […]

To fjpoblam – it takes time to transfer domains; it is not something you can do in just a day.

Wikipedia continues to show how loyal they are to their customers. Gotta love it!

congratulations on the transfers. we’re about 90% done with ours. 🙂

[…] Wikimedia Foundation domain name portfolio has been transferred from GoDaddy to MarkMonitor. The portfolio transfer was fully completed yesterday. The transfers […]

In Project Wikimedia, good news *has* a name. Her name is Michelle Paulson.
Her name is Michelle Paulson.
Her name is Michelle Paulson.
Her name is Michelle Paulson.

I never have registered a domain on GoDaddy because of their SOPA support.

I applaud your decision, thanks for keeping us updated!

[…] of heart, the decision came too late. Wikimedia’s founder, Jimmy Wales, as promised, successfully pulled all of its domains from Go Daddy on March 9, 2012 and transferred its domain management to San Francisco-based registrar and brand […]

Wow, I hope godaddy doesn’t go bankrupt, transferring a few domains away is really going to hurt their bottom line!

[…] of heart, the decision came too late. Wikimedia’s founder, Jimmy Wales, as promised, successfully pulled all of its domains from Go Daddy on March 9, 2012 and transferred its domain management to San Francisco-based registrar and brand […]

c’mon, that was hilarious.
party pooper.
moderator needs a sense of humor 😛

[…] Wikipedia is om die reden overgestapt naar een concurrent. Dat laat Michelle Paulson, juridisch adviseur van de Wikimedia Foundation, weten in een blogpost. […]

Nick – WMF is a US-based charity, so would be affected regardless.

[…] of (SOPA)…reaffirmed our decision to end the relationship,” the foundation said in a blog post […]

[…] of (SOPA)…reaffirmed our decision to end the relationship,” the foundation said in a blog post […]

For Christ’s sake, stop the activism. First the ridiculous blackout and now this. I’ll never donate to Wikimedia ever again unless you stop taking sides in political matters.

[…] of (SOPA)…reaffirmed our decision to end the relationship,” the foundation said in a blog post […]

I would of thought it best to us a none U.S. domain handler and exchange all your domain extensions away from .com? Surely it’s only a matter of time before the U.S. joins the likes of China, North Korea and some other countries in censoreship. Except with a .com in the USA they can wipe you off the whole planet, unlike with a specific country code not under there whole control. I may be perhaps wrong in my knowledge though, so if anyone wants to clear things up I may have perhaps got wrong, with references, than please respond so… Read more »

Sorry I meant to say .org (I believe the US Government controls all .com, .org & .net addresses the same as .US? – unlike with specific country codes such as any most outside USA listed here

[…] Link: Transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy complete (WikiMedia) […]

[…] Link: Transfer of Wikipedia sites from GoDaddy complete (WikiMedia) […]

[…] Today, they announced the transfer of their sites domains from GoDaddy to MarkMonitor is officially complete. […]

I also move all my sites from Godaddy (before SOPA and for other bad experiences with them).
Horrible company.
Daddy, I don’t understand why they are so big ?
Please : avoid a mistake and choose another host, you’ll thanks me for this choice.

[…] a blog post, legal counsel Michelle Paulson explained that the Foundation had been “deliberating a move from Go Daddy for some time” after […]

Congratulations! Good move! Thank you for being a responsible and socially-upright segment of the internet community!

Great move. GoDaddy is an awful terrible company. Not only SOPA tons of other things.

[…] of (SOPA)…reaffirmed our decision to end the relationship,” the foundation said in a blog post […]

Well done. SOPA friendly GoDaddy and it’s elephant murderer CEO, Bob Parsons, are not worthy.