Project ideas, students, and mentors wanted to improve Wikimedia tech this summer

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Google Summer of Code 2012
Google Summer of Code 2012

For the seventh year in a row, Wikimedia Foundation is participating in the Google Summer of Code program. Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a program where Google pays summer students USD 5000 each to code for open source projects for three months (read more).
We hope 2012’s students will develop useful chunks of MediaWiki, help us get their code shipped, and fall in love with our community such that they stay with us for years to come.
This year’s project ideas include improvements to CentralNotice, taxobox editing, search, translation tools, and more.  Interested?
University, community college, and graduate students around the world are eligible to apply to Google Summer of Code. You don’t need to be a computer science or IT major, and you can work from home.
Image (2) 200px-Mediawiki_logo_reworked_2.svg_.png for post 5543
MediaWiki is the Wikimedia Foundation's key open source project, powering Wikipedia and our other sites.

We are looking for students who already know some PHP. We also strongly prefer for you to have some experience working with Linux, Apache, and MySQL environments, and with the Git version control system. If you haven’t contributed to MediaWiki before, How to become a MediaWiki hacker is a good place to start; we will strongly prefer candidates who submit patches before the April 6th GSoC application deadline.
If you’d like to participate, check out the timeline. Make sure you are available full-time from 21 May till 20 August 2012, and have a little free time from 23 April till 20 May for ramp-up. Please read our wiki page and start talking with us on IRC in #mediawiki on Freenode about a possible project.  Then you’ll write a proposal and submit it via the official GSoC website. The deadline for you to submit a project proposal is April 6th, but we encourage you to start early and talk with us about your idea first.
We’re also seeking experienced MediaWiki developers anywhere in the world to help select and mentor student projects. We’ll take you even if you live in the southern hemisphere and it’s not summer for you. 🙂 You’ll need to be available online consistently so you can respond to student questions between now and late August. As Brion Vibber put it, if you “are knowledgeable about MediaWiki — not necessarily knowing every piece of it, but knowing where to look so you can help the students help themselves” then please consider helping out.
I’m administering our participation in GSoC. So I am encouraging students to apply, getting project ideas, and managing the application process overall. I look forward to seeing students discover the joy of collaborative work that improves the Wikimedia experience for millions of users. Help us spread the word.
Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator, Wikimedia Foundation
MediaWiki Coordinator, GSoC 2012

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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In order for this article to reach as many people as possible we would like your help. Can you translate this article to get the message out?

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[…] Φοιτητές πανεπιστημίων, κολλεγίων και απόφοιτοι απ’όλον τον κόσμο είναι επιλέξιμοι  να υποβάλλουν αίτηση για το  Google Summer of Code. Δε χρειάζεται να είσαι ειδικός στην επιστήμη των υπολογιστών ή στις τεχνολογίες  IT, και μπορείς να δουλέψεις από το σπίτι σου. Για περισσότερα σχετικά με αυτή την ανάρτηση δείτε εδώ. […]

Wow! that’s really nice of Google by helping students learn and test their knowledge. And I am sure 100% of the knowledge that we need to win that event is hidden openly in Wikipedia!

Awesome!!! I participated in last year edition. And it was really lots of fun. I’ll spread the word. And great thanks to Google and especially to the guys on the Open Source Team.