Download the complete Volume 1 (PDF)
The success of Wikipedia continues to attract an enormous amount of attention from researchers who are trying to understand what made this one of the most remarkable collaboration projects in history, and unearth valuable insights that may help to improve it. The monthly Wikimedia Research Newsletter launched in mid-2011 – shortly after the announcement of the Wikimedia Research Index – with the aim of covering recent academic research about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. Published jointly by the Wikimedia Research Committee and the Signpost (the English Wikipedia’s community-edited newspaper), it has established itself as a comprehensive outlet enabling both researchers and Wikipedians to stay on top of current research, aiming to facilitate exchange between these two communities.
The six issues published in the first volume (July-December 2011) featured 87 unique references (93 citations) and attracted altogether more than 17,000 pageviews in 2011, not counting the WMF blog edition. The complete Volume 1 is now available as a downloadable 45-page PDF, and a print version can be ordered from Pediapress. The full list of publications reviewed or covered in the Newsletter in 2011 can be browsed online or downloaded (as a BibTeX, RIS, PDF file or in other formats), ready to be imported into reference managers or other bodies of wiki research literature. Open access papers in this collection have been marked with a special open_access tag in the reference list and with an OA icon in the body of each issue.
We are also happy to announce the launch of @WikiResearch: a news feed on Twitter and Identi.ca, covering new preprints, papers or research-related blog posts, before they are reviewed more fully in the Newsletter.
What’s more, the Newsletter is now also available in the form of an HTML email newsletter (in addition to the announcements of each new issue on the Wikiresearch-l mailing list, which only contain the table of contents). Sign up here to receive a copy of each new issue in your inbox as soon as it comes out.
The Newsletter is a collaborative effort and would not exist without those who have contributed reviews and summaries so far: Boghog, DarTar, Drdee, Hfordsa, Jodi.a.schneider, Junkie.dolphin, Lilaroja, Mietchen, Phoebe, Piotrus, Romanesco, Steven Walling, Tbayer. We are also grateful for the help of several Signpost collaborators in copyediting and preparing the final publication every month.
Finally, thanks to everyone for reading the Wikimedia Research Newsletter, and please
consider contributing by pointing us to new research we should cover, or by volunteering to review new publications.
The editors of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter:
Dario Taraborelli, Senior Research Analyst, Strategy
Tilman Bayer, Movement Communications

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