Wikipedia Mobile gets a new look

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Design changes to the Wikipedia mobile site include new navigation and updated typography.

This week you’ll see some changes to the look and feel of Wikipedia on your phone, as the mobile team moves features that were tested on our experimental Beta site onto our mobile gateway. The updated mobile site will include a navigation system that makes it easier to explore our content, as well as visual improvements aimed at increasing the readability of articles.1
The new navigation system is designed to make mobile features and settings more discoverable, paving the way for the addition of new features. In the coming months, the mobile team will continue to experiment with and build contributory features. Whether it’s uploading a photo (as with the Wiki Loves Monuments Android app), watching changes to articles, or even editing, we want anyone to be able to pitch in and help make Wikipedia even better.
If you’re just browsing articles, the first thing you’ll notice is the change to layout and typography. We chose these new fonts for improved device compatibility, ease of scannability and reading, and, more generally, to better fit the high quality standards to which all Wikimedia projects strive.2 Our designers will continue to focus on typography going forward, since text is the primary way readers and editors interact with the site.3
Improving how we serve content on the mobile web is crucial for reaching our goal of 4 billion pageviews per month by June 2013, and for providing Wikipedia to more readers in countries where mobile is the primary form of Internet access.
But we’re not done improving the mobile experience—please help us by providing feedback on the new look of the mobile site! You can also become a Wikipedia Beta tester by signing up to receive updates and test new experimental features before they go live.
Maryana Pinchuk, Associate Product Manager
1. The most recent set of updates will be available for users of our mobile website (such as the English Wikipedia on mobile).
2. Studies have shown that certain fonts can influence the perception of content in terms of quality and reliability.
3. The current set of changes are for Latin scripts. Readability improvements for non-Latin scripts will be carried out in cooperation with our localization team.

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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Good !

What about using Segoe WP for the mobile site in IE on Windows Phone? It would blend better with the rest of the OS, plus it looks way better than Arial in general!

[…] “The new navigation system is designed to make mobile features and settings more discoverable, paving the way for the addition of new features. In the coming months, the mobile team will continue to experiment with and build contributory features,” the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation said in a blog post. […]

Brian, I’m one of the designers. We’ll be testing that to make sure it meshes well with our headers! 🙂

Brian, thats a good idea, we are looking into playing with a more native treatment for windows/ android. We are having some font detection issues on Android.

[…] online encyclopedia Wikipedia has just announced a major redesign to their mobile site, which brings features that have been tested in beta to the […]

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Great! 🙂 I hope interwiki will be also included this time, they are too valuable to be missing like now….

So far, not liking how the new browser experience performs on Android. Most links are unresponsive when clicked, as are drop-down sections most of the time. I’m sure issues will be resolved eventually and think the direction is nice.

The new mobile design of Wikipedia crashes the Nokia symbian 3.x browsers on their E52 business models!
When clicking the sections for more information and when using the search function the browser crashes without any error messages.
Wikipedia used to be such a valuable mobile site.

@botcher & webhalla: We’re working on patches to fix these issues ASAP. Please check back again in the next couple days and let us know if the problems persist!

[…] Fuente: WIKIMEDIA […]

Have the patches for the Nokia browser glitch been added? My browser is still crashing. I’m on a Nokia X-6.

[…] a la Wikipedia desde cualquier dispositivo movil o a, por ejemplo. Vía | Wikimedia Fuente: […]

nokia browser crashes yet =/