Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Sue Gardner named to the Board of Directors at Global Voices

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The Wikimedia Foundation is happy to announce that Sue Gardner has been named to the Board of Directors at Global Voices.
Global Voices is a community of more than 1300 authors and translators in dozens of countries around the world that publishes reports from global citizen journalists, with an emphasis on voices that aren’t ordinarily heard in major international media. Through various language websites, their volunteer editors, authors and translators provide links to blog posts, social networks, podcasts, photographs and videos from their respective regions and they translate and explain what’s happening around the world in citizen media.

Wikimedia Foundation E.D. Sue Gardner
Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Sue Gardner

“Global Voices does great work, and I’m really looking forward to sharing experiences and expertise with the people involved there.” said Sue Gardner. “The Wikimedia Foundation and Global Voices hold a lot of the same values, and for me the most important is our shared commitment to freedom of expression. The world needs strong voices advocating for internet users’ right to express themselves and to access information without impediment.”
Global Voices was founded in 2005 by anti-censorship advocate and former journalist Rebecca MacKinnon and technologist and media scholar Ethan Zuckerman, while they were both fellows at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
“Sue brings to Global Voices a unique combination of knowledge and experience that is particularly beneficial to the organisation. We’re really happy to be working with Sue, learning from her experience at the Wikimedia Foundation,” said Ivan Sigal, Executive Director of Global Voices. “We’re also looking forward to having her presence and creative thinking enlivening our board conversations.”
The Global Voices nine-member board meets four times per year, and has been an active, engaged and vital part of their community since its inception. The board is composed of its two founders, three community representatives and four external members.
Matthew Roth, Global Communications Manager, Wikimedia Foundation

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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Congratulations Sue!

Congratulations, Sue! Looking forward to a presentation of Global Voices at a future Wikimania.