I am excited that Ana Toni has accepted our invitation to serve on the Wikimedia Foundation’s Board of Trustees. She is beginning her term as one of our four appointed members, who are chosen for their expertise and experience in areas important to Wikimedia’s strategic goals. Ana, who is Brazilian, is based in Rio de Janeiro.
We are especially fortunate to have Ana’s wisdom and experience working with world-class non-governmental organizations and philanthropic organizations. Ana has been in leadership positions with the Ford Foundation, ActionAid and Greenpeace. Indeed, she has served as Greenpeace International’s Board Chair since 2011. Please see Ana’s bio on the WMF wiki. You can also read our press release announcing the news.
At just over a decade old, the Wikimedia Foundation is relatively young compared to the other organizations Ana has worked with. Greenpeace, for example, was founded in the UK in the early 1970’s. Ana has worked with Greenpeace over the past two decades, starting in 1993 as their International Head of the Political Unit based in Amsterdam. Currently, Greenpeace has nearly three million individual financial supporters.
As we aspire to nearly double the number of people who use Wikipedia over the next few years, and build a larger and more diverse movement of active volunteers, Ana’s leadership experience and insight on the management and growth of non-profit organizations will be invaluable in guiding us.
We’re so grateful she has joined with us and we look forward to the contributions she will bring to the Board. Welcome, Ana!
Kat Walsh
Chair of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

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