Content Translation: Announcing Version 3

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Exciting new features are now available in the third version of the Content Translation tool. Development of the new version was recently completed and the newly added features can be used in Wikimedia’s beta environment. To use it, you first need to enable the Content Translation beta-feature in the wiki, then go to the Special Page to select the article to translate. This change in behavior was done in preparation for the activation of Content Translation as a beta-feature on a few selected Wikipedias in early 2015.

The Content Translation user dashboard

Two important features have been included in this phase of development work: a user dashboard, and saving & continuing of unfinished translations.
Users can currently use these two features to monitor only their own work. The dashboard (see image) will display all the published and unpublished articles created by the user. Unpublished articles are translations that the user has not published to the user namespace of the wiki. These articles can be opened from the dashboard and users can continue to translate them. The dashboard is presently in a very early stage of development, and enhancements will be made to enrich the features.
Additionally, the selector for source and target languages and articles has been redesigned. Published articles with excessive amount of unedited machine-translated content are now included in a category so that they can be easily identified.
Languages currently available with Apertium‘s machine translation support are Catalan, Portuguese and Spanish. Users of other languages can also explore the tool after they have enabled the beta-feature. Please remember that this wiki is hosted on Wikimedia’s beta servers and you will need to create a separate account.
Upcoming plans and participation
Development work is currently going on for the fourth version of this tool. During this phase, we will focus our attention on making the translation interface stable and prepare the tool for deployment as a beta-feature in several Wikipedias.
Since the first release in July 2014, we have been guided by the helpful feedback we have continuously received from early users. We look forward to wider participation and more feedback as the tool progresses with new features and is enabled for new languages. Please let us know your views about Content Translation on the Project talk page, or by signing up for user testing sessions. You can also participate in the language quality evaluation survey to help us identify new languages that can be served through the tool.
Runa Bhattacharjee, Wikimedia Foundation, Language Engineering team

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

Can you help us translate this article?

In order for this article to reach as many people as possible we would like your help. Can you translate this article to get the message out?

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Looking forward to playing with this when it hits the english WP ‘beta’ features! I’ve translated several articles from other language Wikipedias “by hand” in the past – including from originating languages that I don’t speak – this will be a huge help. Keep up the good work.