Eight Wikimedia projects in Google Summer of Code 2016

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Photo by Tesselate, CC BY-SA 4.0.
Photo by Tesselate, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Wikimedia is happy to welcome eight students to work on their Google Summer of Code 2016 projects. After completing the initial community bonding period, the eight developers and their Wikimedia mentors are working at full speed, approaching their mid term evaluations.
These are the selected students with their projects and mentors:

For the first time we have promoted Community Wishlist projects to candidates for these internships. One of the selected projects (List of Contributors ) ranked #59 out of 107 proposals in the Community Wishlist Survey 2015. Community feedback and support to these projects is very welcomed. We want these developers to feel a home in our community and engaged to continue contributing to Wikimedia after the end of their internship.
Google Summer of Code is an outreach program to encourage university students to get involved in free and open source software development projects guided by community mentors. The selected students get to participate in a three month internship program with their mentoring organization, collaborating by using version control systems, IRC, mailing lists and issue trackers. Google pays a stipend of $5,500 USD to each student upon the successful completion of their project.

Outreachy Round 12

Three of the selected candidates applied also to Outreachy, a biannual program intended at increasing the participation of women and other minorities in free and open source software projects. It is similar to Google Summer of Code in case of stipends and internship structure, but open to women (cis and trans), trans men, genderqueer people. Wikimedia encourages its eligible participants to apply for both programs. Outreachy candidates that are eligible for GSoC obtain the GSoC internship in case of being accepted in both programs. In this round, Wikimedia received 12 Outreachy applications, out of which 6 applicants applied to both the programs.
Tony Thomas, Organization administrator with Sumit

Archive notice: This is an archived post from blog.wikimedia.org, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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