Video by Andrejdam, CC BY-SA 4.0.
Oliver Zajkov is a physics professor at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia. The video above, shot by the Shared Knowledge Wikimedians group in Macedonia, features him doing the low-pressure glow discharge. This is one of 45 physics and chemistry experiments recorded by Shared Knowledge to be published on Wikimedia Commons and used on Wikipedia and elsewhere.
Shared Knowledge has been filiming high-quality videos featuring simple physics and chemistry experiments in a new project called WikiExperiments. The project aims to provide high-quality short films visualizing the theoretical ideas students study at school and read about on Wikipedia.
The educational videos will be helpful for students and “anyone interested in understanding some general concepts in physics and chemistry,” according to Toni Ristovski, Board Member and Treasurer of Shared Knowledge.
Shared Knowledge is a group of Wikimedians from Macedonia who started in March 2014 with the goal of holding initiatives and projects to support the Wikimedia movement. However, the WikiExperiments videos, which they started in December 2015, were made without narration and with descriptions in both English and Macedonian to ease global use.
The project began with an idea by the group member and physicist Tsvetko Nedelkovski in early 2015. Shared Knowledge loved the idea and contacted Skopje University to collaborate on making the videos. “Following the success with recording physics experiments,” Ristovski says, the group wanted to expand the project and make videos for other chemistry experiments. A group of students took the lead in connecting Shared Knowledge with Vladimir Petruševski, who went on to perform the chemistry experiments.
“Recording [these] videos of science experiments documents laws of physics and chemical reactions,” Ristovski explains. “Many schools only teach theory without practical demonstrations, [which is] a crucial part of the learning process.”
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Samir Elsharbaty, Digital Content Intern
Wikimedia Foundation

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