You are invited to… Wikipedia’s 20th birthday party!

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Wikipedia is turning 20 years old on Friday, 15 January 2021! Join us for a global virtual birthday party as we celebrate two decades of Wikipedia and the incredible people who make it possible!

Since Wikipedia first began in 2001, it has exemplified the idea that many people working together can build something truly remarkable. Twenty years later, Wikipedia continues to live up to its promise of free and open knowledge by and for humans around the world. 

To commemorate 20 years of this global movement, we are celebrating all of the people who make Wikipedia possible — the volunteers who share their knowledge, the community organizers who host covenings and welcome new editors, the donors who contribute to keep Wikipedia going, the developers who make sure Wikipedia is fast and accessible, and so many more. 

Join us on Friday, 15 January as we celebrate the creation of the world’s largest online source of knowledge and the radical idea that information can be created by and open to everyone. 

This celebration will include remarks from Wikipedia volunteers about how they have seen the movement grow over the past 20 years and their wishes for the future. You will also hear from the founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales and the Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation Katherine Maher.

This event is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia and complements additional community celebrations around the world! We hope to see you on 15 January where we’ll be streaming live!

The event details are as follows:

Wikipedia’s 20th Birthday Celebration
Join a special event hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation
Friday, 15 January 2021 at 16:00 UTC
Watch live via YouTube or Facebook

Watch the embedded YouTube livestream here on 15 January at 16:00 UTC

We look forward to celebrating this milestone together! Spread the word on social media using #Wikipedia20.

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