The Wikimania Steering Committee, the 2024 organizing team, and the Wikimedia Foundation Movement Communications team are happy to announce that the city of Kraków in Poland will host Wikimania in 2024.

We are grateful for the expressions of interest received for hosting Wikimania in 2024, 2025, and 2026. Bringing our movement’s beloved event to life is not simple and we took many criteria into consideration. Kraków had a strong submission and an experienced and enthusiastic team from across the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region supporting it, ready to get going. We were also long due in this vibrant region – the previous Wikimania in CEE was Gdańsk in 2010.
Kraków is a timeless city blending innovation and modernity with ancient gems of culture and heritage, an ideal fit for Wikimedians. Supported with a robust, collaborative design, we are confident that the impact of Wikimania 2024 will be great for our projects, the movement in general, and local communities in the CEE region. Wikimania usually takes place in July or August. Get ready, get excited!
We appreciate the collaborative approach to hosting Wikimania, a new approach inspired by the distributed virtual Wikimanias in 2021 and 2022, and the great work of the 2023 Singapore Wikimania regional ESEAP organizers. In addition to the support we provide as the stewards of Wikimania, together with the Foundation’s Movement Communications team, we plan to facilitate more time for Wikimania organizers so they can learn from each other in practice. That’s why we hope to announce the hosts for 2025 and 2026 in the coming months. So, if you and your community have been thinking about hosting Wikimania, please review the criteria and reach out to us as soon as possible,
Wholehearted congratulations to the 2024 Wikimania team. Together we look forward to what will surely be a memorable event, welcoming you all, whether in-person or online, to Kraków.

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