Wiki Green Conference 2023: Involving to Evolve, the New Climate Paradigm

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In the midst of pressing environmental challenges, a remarkable event unfolded over two transformative days—the Wiki Green Conference 2023. This inspiring gathering, proudly sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation, brought together passionate advocates, environmental experts, and dedicated Wikimedia volunteers from Ghana. With the invaluable partnership of the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group, Wiki Green Initiatives, and WikiForHumanRights, the conference aimed to address the urgent need for collaborative action in the face of the escalating climate crisis.

Setting the stage for a new chapter in the environmental movement, the theme of the conference was “Involve to Evolve, The New Climate Paradigm.” It sought to foster an inclusive space where knowledge, expertise, and innovative ideas would converge to drive change. The event’s overarching goal was to explore how Wikimedia projects could play a vital role in addressing climate change, inspiring informed action, and nurturing a collective commitment to a sustainable future.

With the ever-growing recognition of Wikimedia’s influence and power as a global knowledge-sharing platform, the Wiki Green Conference 2023 symbolized a significant step towards leveraging this potential for the betterment of our planet. By harnessing the collective wisdom of its vast community, the conference intended to ignite a global dialogue that transcended geographical boundaries, cultural differences, and disciplinary silos.

Planting Seeds of Change

The Wiki Green Conference 2023 commenced with an inspiring day of pre-conference activities on June 9, 2023. This remarkable day was marked by the planting of various tree species, including mangoes, militia, mahogany, acacia, and other shade trees. Coinciding with the occasion, the day was also celebrated as Green Ghana Day, underscoring the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices. The Wiki Green Conference team embarked on a mission to engage with local communities, starting with visits to three educational institutions: Little Way R/C Junior High School, Prisons School Complex, and Jisonaayili Islamic Primary Schools in Tamale. Through these interactions, the team aimed to raise awareness about the significance of trees and the mission of the project.

Planting the Seeds of Knowledge

The Wiki Green Conference team’s first stop was Little Way R/C Junior High School, where they had the privilege of meeting the headteacher and staff. Eager to share their mission, the team passionately conveyed the importance of trees to mankind and the critical role they play in maintaining a healthy environment. Mr. Otuo-Akyampong Boakye, a representative from the team, engaged with the students, enlightening them about the numerous benefits of trees, such as mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, and providing essential resources for sustenance and livelihoods. Through this interaction, the team aimed to instill a sense of environmental responsibility in the young minds, inspiring them to become custodians of nature.

Continuing their journey, the Wiki Green Conference team made their way to the Prison School Complex. Here, they had the opportunity to address both the teaching staff and the students, emphasizing the importance of trees in nurturing a sustainable environment. By highlighting the intricate connections between trees and the overall well-being of our planet, the team aimed to foster a sense of environmental consciousness among students and educators alike. These interactions sparked discussions, encouraging participants to contemplate the individual and collective actions required to protect and preserve the Earth’s precious resources.

The final stop on this eventful day was the Jisonaayili Islamic Primary School, where the team engaged with the headteacher and students. Sharing the mission of the team, which focused on tree planting, the team reiterated the significance of trees in combating climate change and maintaining ecological balance. By emphasizing the role of every individual in this endeavor, the team sought to empower the students to take an active part in preserving the environment and nurturing a greener future. These conversations acted as catalysts, igniting the students’ passion for environmental stewardship and equipping them with the knowledge needed to make a positive impact in their own lives and communities.

Day Two – Inspiring Action for a Sustainable Future

The University for Development Studies (UDS) Tamale main campus became a vibrant hub for environmental enthusiasts, wikimedians, and advocates during the Wiki Green Conference 2023. The second day of the Wiki Green Conference 2023 dawned with renewed enthusiasm and a shared commitment to address climate change. With approximately 45 participants in attendance, the day unfolded with impactful speeches, engaging panel discussions, and practical workshops aimed at empowering individuals to actively participate in climate and environmental awareness creation. Notable figures, including Mr. Otuo-Akyampong Boakye, Mr. Yussif Abdul-Rasheed, and Mr. Nantogmah, delivered solidarity messages, highlighting the significance of collective efforts in building a sustainable future. Keynote addresses, panel discussions, and hands-on editing sessions further enriched the day, inspiring participants to take action and contribute to the Wiki Green movement.

Solidarity Messages: Strengthening Collaborative Spirit

Mr. Yussif Abdul-Rasheed, the project manager of the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group, conveyed a heartfelt message of solidarity and support. He emphasized the shared commitment to environmental sustainability and the urgent need to address climate change challenges. The Dagbani Wikimedians User Group, dedicated to promoting knowledge and preserving cultural heritage, recognized the integral role of environmental conservation in safeguarding their rich legacy for future generations.

Mr. Nantogmah, representing the Internet Society Ghana Chapter, highlighted the power of the Internet as a tool for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and mobilizing collective action. He emphasized the crucial role that technology and the Internet play in driving positive environmental transformation. Stressing the importance of leveraging the digital revolution, he called for using the Internet as a force for sustainable development.

Keynote Address: Empowering Youth for Climate Action

The Wiki-Green Conference in Tamale placed a strong emphasis on addressing the topic of “loss and damage” resulting from climate change impacts. Keynote speakers and panelists highlighted the significance of recognizing and mitigating the consequences faced by affected communities. Discussions revolved around innovative approaches and best practices, inspiring collaborative efforts to build resilience and support vulnerable populations. By giving prominence to this critical issue, the conference demonstrated its commitment to comprehensive climate action and fostered transformative solutions. The insights shared by speakers propelled participants to take proactive steps and integrate loss and damage considerations into future climate change policies. The conference served as a catalyst for change, uniting attendees in their dedication to a more resilient and sustainable future.

Dr. Kodimah Siita delivered an insightful keynote address, exploring opportunities for Ghanaian youth to actively participate in climate and environmental awareness creation and communication. He underscored the significance of empowering young individuals to become agents of change, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and platforms to make a meaningful impact. By engaging and mobilizing the youth, Dr. Siita highlighted the immense potential to drive climate action and create a sustainable future.

Panel Discussion: Gender Mainstreaming and Youth Engagement

A dynamic panel discussion ensued, featuring distinguished panelists: Madam Khadijah Abdul-Samed, Madam Opoku Esther Nyamekye, Madam Iddi Adamu Tiyumba, and Mr. Otuo-Akyampong Boakye. The panelists shared personal experiences and insights on gender mainstreaming in climate change discussions, highlighting the unique challenges faced by women in the open movement space. They emphasized the importance of empowering women and harnessing the interest of young women to contribute to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, fostering inclusivity and diverse perspectives in knowledge creation and dissemination.

Practical Workshops: Building Skills and Collaboration

The Wiki Green Conference provided participants with hands-on opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills. Mr. Fuseini Mohammed Kamal-Deen enlightened the gathering on OpenStreetMap (OSM) and how to map communities, demonstrating the power of geospatial data for environmental initiatives. Mr. Alhassan Mohammed Awal conducted an editing session, guiding participants on how to write articles in Dagbani, thereby contributing to the preservation of local knowledge and culture.

Mr. Fuseini Mohammed Kamal-Deen

Gratitude to the Tamale Team

The Accra team would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated and hardworking team in Tamale who played instrumental roles in making the Wiki Green Conference 2023 a resounding success. Their tireless efforts and commitment ensured that the event ran smoothly, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration, learning, and inspiration. We extend our appreciation to the following individuals:

Your guidance and expertise were invaluable throughout the planning and execution of the conference. Your insights and strategic input helped shape the event into a meaningful platform for environmental advocacy and sustainable development.

Sadik Shahadu

Your exemplary leadership and organizational skills were crucial in overseeing the conference’s overall management. Your dedication to the cause and ability to bring diverse stakeholders together played a pivotal role in creating a truly impactful event.

Your meticulous attention to detail and coordination ensured the smooth operation of various conference activities. Your unwavering commitment and ability to handle multiple responsibilities were integral to the conference’s success.

Your exceptional logistical planning and implementation skills were instrumental in ensuring that all conference arrangements were seamlessly executed. Your resourcefulness and attention to detail helped create a conducive environment for engaging discussions and interactions.

  • Social Media and Communication:
  1. Alhassan Mohammed Awal
  2. Sir Amugi

We extend our gratitude to both Alhassan Mohammed Awal and Sir Amugi for their outstanding efforts in managing social media and communication aspects of the conference. Your skills in disseminating information, engaging with participants, and amplifying the conference’s message through various platforms contributed significantly to its success.

Sir Amugi

To the entire Tamale team, we applaud your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to making the Wiki Green Conference 2023 an event to remember. Your contributions, both big and small, have made a lasting impact on the participants, fostering a spirit of collaboration and inspiring action for a sustainable future.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The Wiki Green Conference 2023 concluded on a high note, leaving participants inspired and ready to take action. The day’s events showcased the power of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective action in addressing climate change and environmental sustainability. The messages of solidarity, insightful keynote addresses, engaging panel discussions, and practical workshops highlighted the importance of inclusivity, youth empowerment, and gender mainstreaming in shaping a sustainable future. Armed with newfound knowledge and tools, the participants. 

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