Wiki-Climate Campus Tour Nigeria Evaluation Report

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The WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project set out with a vital mission: to spark climate action among Nigeria’s university students in 6 tertiary institutions and build a knowledge base for environmental sustainability using Wikipedia and its project. Here’s a glimpse into the impact and reach of this initiative, as reflected in our comprehensive evaluation report.

Figure 1: Gender Distribution Insights

The demographic composition of participants in the WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project reflects a diverse group, with a gender distribution of 61% male and 39% female. This snapshot not only signifies the project’s reach across various university populations but also highlights concerted efforts to bridge gender disparities within the Wikimedia movement, aiming to mitigate systemic biases and foster a more representative and equitable climate community within Nigerian academic institutions.

Figure 2: Fan Club Participation; Which of the following Fan Club do you belong to?

The WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project engaged various Wikimedia fan clubs across six Nigerian Universities, shown in Fig. 2. These clubs played a pivotal role in rallying students and fostering a community of climate-conscious individuals. Among them, the Ilorin Wikimedia Fan Club emerged as a front-runner with a significant 25% share of overall involvement. This is a testament not only to the club’s robust engagement strategies but also to the keen interest in climate issues among the students at the University of Ilorin.

Following closely, the Wikimedia Fan Club of the University of Port Harcourt accounted for 17% of the participant base. This figure is particularly impressive, reflecting the club’s dynamic presence and effective mobilization. The University of Ibadan and the University of Benin made notable contributions with 9% and 13% participation, respectively, underlining the reach and impact of the project within these academic circles.

Summit University and Federal University Kashere were not far behind, contributing 12% and 18% to the participant pool. These numbers highlight the successful expansion of the project’s reach to a broader student body, ensuring that a diverse range of voices and perspectives are included in the conversation about climate action.

The data also reveals a fascinating trend: 7% of participants were not affiliated with any of the six universities. This group of independent participants underscores the far-reaching impact of the project’s visibility, likely bolstered by strategic social media campaigns and blog posts on platforms such as Wikimedia Diff. The inclusion of these participants reflects the campaign’s appeal and relevance to a broader audience, extending its influence beyond the academic sphere and into the general public.

This diverse tapestry of participants from various fan clubs and beyond illustrates the project’s successful engagement strategy and its resonant message. It signifies a growing awareness and commitment to environmental sustainability and climate action among Nigeria’s youth, promising a future where academia and community come together to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Figure 3: Prior Wikimedia Engagement; Have you been involved in any Wikimedia activities/events prior to this project?

The participant engagement statistics presented in Figure 3 of our WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project paint an insightful picture of the current landscape of Wikimedia involvement. A noteworthy 61% of our participants are not new to Wikimedia activities and events, demonstrating a solid foundation of engagement with the platform. This significant majority indicates that a substantial portion of our participants are not just familiar with Wikimedia’s various projects but are also active within its community. Such robust engagement is indicative of a healthy and thriving ecosystem, where knowledge sharing and community contributions are a regular pursuit.

Conversely, the data reveals that a smaller, yet notable, percentage of participants—5% and 34%, respectively—have either limited or no previous interaction with Wikimedia events and activities. This segment represents untapped potential within our community. The limited familiarity group might have had only cursory exposure to Wikimedia, perhaps having edited sporadically or participated in a small number of events. Those with no familiarity are at the very beginning of their Wikimedia journey, presenting a unique opportunity for growth and learning.

The presence of these two groups within our participant demographic underscores the importance of inclusive and comprehensive training. It highlights a gap that, if properly addressed, can lead to the expansion of the Wikimedia contributor base. There is a clear need for continued educational initiatives to ensure that all participants, regardless of their starting point, can effectively engage with and contribute to Wikimedia projects.

Given Wikimedia’s extensive reach and the integral role it plays in disseminating knowledge, the project’s emphasis on training is both a strategic and necessary endeavour. Tailored training sessions will serve not only to enhance the skills of existing contributors but also to empower those who are new to the platform, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence needed to engage fully with Wikimedia’s suite of projects.

Such training is anticipated to have a ripple effect, as it encourages ongoing interaction with Wikimedia. It can help transform passive consumers of information into active creators and curators of content. This is particularly critical considering the platform’s widespread popularity and the pivotal role it plays in the open knowledge movement.

In conclusion, the data from Figure 3 reaffirms our commitment to fostering a knowledgeable and diverse Wikimedia community. By extending our training initiatives, we aim to bridge the familiarity gap and cultivate a more vibrant, inclusive, and empowered network of contributors, ready to advance the project’s mission of combating climate change through collective knowledge and action.

Figure 4: Activity Participation; Did you participate in any of the activities organized during this campaign?

The data represented in Figure 4 is a testament to the enthusiastic response from participants in the WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project. A striking 91% of participants were not merely onlookers but active participants, engaging in a spectrum of meticulously organized activities. This array included intellectually stimulating roundtable discussions, hands-on Wikipedia editathons, and comprehensive virtual climate change education training sessions.

This high level of participant engagement serves as a robust indicator of the success of our communication strategies. It shows that our messages have resonated well with the audience, compelling them to take part actively. The variety of activities offered seems to have catered to a wide range of interests and learning preferences, which is pivotal in maintaining high engagement levels.

Roundtable discussions likely served as a platform for vibrant dialogue and exchange of ideas, sparking collaborative thinking among participants. Wikipedia editathons, on the other hand, offered a more hands-on experience, allowing participants to apply their knowledge practically and contribute directly to the growth of Wikimedia content. The virtual climate change education training would have provided a structured learning environment to deepen understanding of critical environmental issues.

The effectiveness of these events is further underscored by the sheer volume of active involvement. With such a high engagement rate, it’s evident that the campaign activities struck a chord with the participants’ desire to learn, contribute, and make a tangible impact on the narrative of climate change through the Wikimedia platform.

Moreover, this engagement level speaks to a genuine interest in the subject matter of the campaign, suggesting that the participants were motivated by more than just the novelty of the project. They were driven by a commitment to the cause and a shared vision for the outcome of the campaign—enhanced climate literacy and a more informed public discourse around environmental sustainability.

The implications of this active involvement are far-reaching. Not only does it signify a successful campaign in terms of participant numbers, but it also highlights the potential for sustained impact. Engaged participants are more likely to continue contributing to the Wikimedia movement, to take their newfound knowledge and apply it in various contexts, and to become advocates for climate action within their communities.

In essence, the high participation rate seen in Figure 4 is an encouraging sign of the project’s vibrant future. It paves the way for a community that is not only well-informed about climate change but also equipped and eager to share that knowledge widely, reinforcing the overarching goal of the WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project.

Figure 5: Activity Engagement Breakdown; Which of the following activities did you participate in during the campaign (choose all that apply)?

Figure 5 above shows the participation dynamics within the WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project revealing a vibrant and engaged community actively immersed in a suite of climate-related activities. The data shows that over half of the participants, precisely 51%, were drawn to both roundtable discussions and Virtual Climate Change Education Training. These forums likely provided rich, interactive experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of climate issues and strategies for digital activism.

Equally noteworthy is the engagement in content development, with 42% of participants contributing to the creation and enhancement of Wikidata entries. This work is critical as it enriches the ecosystem of open data related to climate science and sustainability, thereby supporting researchers, policymakers, and the general public.

The project saw even higher activity in the realm of Wikipedia editing, where 60% of participants were involved in making minor edits. This level of detail-oriented contribution is essential for the accuracy and reliability of climate information on one of the world’s most referenced websites. It suggests that the participants were not only eager to share their knowledge but also committed to the meticulous process of content refinement.

However, there was a slightly lower engagement, at 35%, in the creation of new Wikipedia articles. While this figure is lower in comparison to other activities, it still represents a significant portion of participants who are contributing foundational content to the platform, potentially filling crucial gaps in climate-related topics.

The diversity in these engagement levels across different activities highlights a multifaceted approach to climate change education and advocacy within the Wikimedia community. It reflects a community that is not homogenous in its interests or skills but is united by a common goal of enhancing the narrative around climate change and sustainability.

The varied engagement also points to the importance of offering a range of activities to cater to different interests and skill sets. It ensures that everyone, from the seasoned editor to the novice contributor, can find a way to participate meaningfully in the project. This strategy not only helps to maintain high levels of participation but also empowers a broader spectrum of individuals to become active agents of change.

In sum, the detailed participation breakdown presents a picture of a dynamic, collaborative, and dedicated community. Each activity, whether it be engaging in dialogue, participating in training, or directly editing and creating content, contributes to a comprehensive effort to raise awareness and disseminate knowledge about climate change. This approach not only enriches the Wikimedia platforms but also serves as a foundational pillar for the success and sustainability of the WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project.

Figure 6: Activity Interest Preferences; Which of the following campaign activities interest you the most?

The data depicted in Figure 6 provides a window into the interests that have resonated most with participants during the WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria campaign. It reveals a community eager for engagement and learning, with a notable preference for interactive platforms that foster discussion and skill development.

The roundtable discussions, which attracted 24% of the participants, seem to have been particularly appealing. These discussions likely served as vibrant forums for exchanging ideas, stimulating critical thinking, and encouraging collective problem-solving on climate issues. Such a format not only promotes the sharing of knowledge but also builds a sense of community and collaboration among participants.

Wikipedia training sessions were the second most popular activity, capturing the interest of 20% of participants. This interest points to a community keen on developing the necessary competencies to contribute effectively to the Wikipedia platform. Training sessions serve as foundational experiences that equip participants with the skills to navigate, edit, and create content, ensuring their contributions are both impactful and enduring.

Editing Wikipedia content was another activity that engaged a significant segment of participants, with 18% involvement. This suggests that there is a strong core of individuals who are not just consuming content but are actively shaping the knowledge narrative. The slightly lower interest in creating new Wikipedia articles, at 7%, might indicate the need for more support or training in this area, as creating content from scratch is often seen as more daunting than editing existing pages.

Other activities related to Wikidata, while not as prominently favoured, still garnered moderate to minimal engagement. This variation in interest levels serves as a crucial insight for campaign organizers, highlighting the need to offer a broad range of activities. Such a strategy ensures that while the campaign capitalizes on popular interests, it also nurtures and develops niche areas which, although currently less popular, are vital for the depth and breadth of Wikimedia content.

This nuanced understanding of participant interests underscores the campaign’s success in offering a diverse array of engagement opportunities. By aligning activities with participant interests and providing various entry points for involvement, the campaign not only fosters a more engaged community but also ensures a rich tapestry of contributions that enhance the collective goal of climate education and action. It’s a reminder of the importance of continuously evolving campaign offerings to meet the dynamic interests and skills of participants, thereby maintaining a vibrant and participatory climate action community.

Figure 7: Event Coordination Feedback; How would you rate the organisation/coordination of the event on your campus?

The participant feedback captured in Figure 7 regarding the organization and coordination of the event on their respective campuses is revealing and presents a comprehensive picture of the current event management effectiveness. A substantial majority, comprising 73% of participants, gave affirmative feedback, rating the organization and coordination as either ‘very good’ or ‘good’. This significant endorsement suggests that the logistical execution and structural design of the event resonated well with the majority, indicating that the events were well-received in areas such as clarity of communication, adherence to schedules, resource availability, and overall event flow.

However, the feedback spectrum also includes critical voices, with 11% of participants assigning a ‘very poor’ or ‘poor’ rating to the event organization. This negative appraisal is a crucial indicator that, despite the majority’s positive experience, there are elements within the event structure that did not meet the expectations or needs of a subset of attendees. It highlights specific areas that require attention and possibly a reevaluation of certain practices, such as event planning, participant engagement strategies, or logistical support.

The 16% who reported a neutral stance represent a middle ground, reflecting an experience that was satisfactory but did not notably impress. This neutrality is particularly informative as it suggests that while certain aspects of the event were adequate, they did not fully engage or meet the participants’ standards for excellence. It points to an opportunity for the organizers to seek out the finer details that can turn a satisfactory experience into an exceptional one.

The collective insights gleaned from this feedback spectrum will be instrumental in shaping the approach to future event organization. It will inform a strategy that aims to maintain the strengths that garnered positive reviews while addressing the shortcomings that led to dissatisfaction or ambivalence. Embracing a culture of continuous improvement, the event organizers can delve into the feedback to understand the nuances behind the ratings and identify actionable items for enhancement.

By doing so, the event team can refine their coordination efforts, ensuring that all logistical and organizational aspects of the event are not just meeting the basic requirements but are also crafting an engaging, seamless, and enriching experience for all participants. This commitment to responsive improvement will be pivotal in elevating the quality of future events, fostering a more positive community response, and ultimately contributing to the sustained success of the campaign’s educational objectives.

Figure 8: Post-Campaign Commitment; Are you willing to contribute more content to Wikimedia projects after this campaign?

The enthusiastic response depicted in Figure 8 is a strong testament to the success of the campaign in fostering a commitment to the Wikimedia movement among participants. An impressive 93% of attendees have expressed a robust intention to continue contributing content to Wikimedia projects post-campaign while 7% are indecisive. This figure is not merely a statistic; it represents a community galvanized to action, indicating that the campaign has significantly resonated with participants, imbuing them with a sense of purpose and dedication to the cause of open knowledge.

This marked willingness to contribute is indicative of a deep-seated engagement that extends beyond passive participation. It suggests that the campaign has effectively empowered participants, not just in the short term, but in a manner that inspires sustained involvement. The high level of commitment reflects the participants’ understanding of the importance of their contributions and the impact that enhanced content can have on the global community seeking reliable and comprehensive information.

Moreover, this willingness to continue contributing suggests that the skills and knowledge imparted during the campaign have taken root. Participants are not only ready but are also confident in their ability to enrich Wikimedia projects with quality content. This bodes well for the future of these projects, as it means an infusion of fresh perspectives, diverse knowledge, and renewed energy that can invigorate the platforms and the communities they serve.

The potential for lasting impact is significant. With such a high percentage of committed contributors, the campaign is poised to leave a legacy of enriched content, heightened climate awareness, and an active community of practice. This commitment may translate into a variety of tangible outcomes, including a higher volume of climate-related content on Wikipedia, more comprehensive data on Wikidata, and a richer repository of media on Wikimedia Commons.

The ripple effects of this engagement could be far-reaching. As more content is created and improved, the quality and depth of information available to the public will increase, supporting education, research, and policy-making. Moreover, the continued engagement of such a large group of contributors can lead to the development of a more robust support network within the Wikimedia community, fostering collaboration and mentorship, and creating a virtuous cycle of contribution and improvement.

In essence, the response to Figure 8 underscores a critical achievement of the campaign: it has sparked a movement within the participant community, one that promises to grow and perpetuate the values of open access to knowledge and collective action within the Wikimedia ecosystem

Figure 9: Support for Continued Engagement; If yes, What kind of support will you require to continue to contribute content to Wikimedia Projects

The insights gleaned from Figure 9 are critical in shaping an effective support system to sustain the momentum of participant contributions to Wikimedia projects. The data reveals a clear hierarchy of needs as identified by the participants themselves, guiding the strategic focus for ongoing support.

At the top of the list, with 26% of participants flagging it as essential, is the need for close mentorship and guidance. This highlights a desire for a structured support system where experienced contributors can provide one-on-one assistance, helping to navigate the complexities of content creation and project contribution. Such mentorship is invaluable in fostering participant confidence and competence, which are key to long-term engagement.

Close behind, with 25% of participants identifying it as a need, is internet data support. In the digital realm where access equates to opportunity, ensuring that participants have the necessary data to access online resources is fundamental. This support can significantly reduce barriers to participation, particularly in areas where internet costs might be prohibitive.

Organizing similar campaigns, as indicated by 24% of participants, also stands out as a significant need. This suggests that the structured, community-centric approach of campaigns provides an energizing and collaborative environment that participants find both motivating and supportive.

More in-depth training was cited by 23% of participants as a crucial support need. This points to an appetite for advanced knowledge and skills development that goes beyond basic training. Participants are seeking more specialized instruction that can deepen their expertise and enable them to contribute more effectively to Wikimedia projects.

Financial support, while still important to some, was indicated as the least of the support needs, chosen by the fewest participants. This indicates that while financial barriers do exist, they are not the primary concern for most participants. It suggests that the community is more focused on gaining knowledge, skills, and access than on direct financial incentives.

The prioritization of these support needs offers a strategic roadmap for designing support programs that are closely aligned with the actual requirements of the community. By addressing these identified areas, program organizers can create targeted initiatives that empower participants to continue their valuable contributions, ensuring the sustainability of the community’s efforts and the ongoing enrichment of Wikimedia projects.

Figure 10: Knowledge and Skills Gained through this project

The data displayed in Figure 10 clearly illustrates the significant impact the project has had on improving the participants’ knowledge and skills. It features a bar graph with three colours representing different responses: Blue indicates ‘Strongly Agree,’ Orange signifies ‘Agree,’ and Ash denotes ‘Disagree.’ Notably, the colour Green, which would represent ‘Strongly Disagree,’ is absent from the responses.

A significant majority, 62%, not only acknowledged but strongly affirmed that the project successfully introduced them to the field of climate science. This introduction is critical, as it equips participants with the foundational understanding necessary to engage with and address climate issues effectively. Additionally, 38% of participants also agreed, contributing to a total of 100% who recognized the project’s role in their exposure to climate science.

In the realm of technical skill development, a combined total of 95% of participants—42% strongly agreeing and 53% agreeing—reported that the project had broadened their understanding of creating Wikipedia articles. This suggests that the project has been instrumental in demystifying the article creation process, thereby empowering a new wave of contributors to the Wikipedia community.

When it comes to contributing to Wikidata, 85% of participants felt that the project had improved their ability to add items to the database, with 38% strongly agreeing and 47% agreeing. This indicates that the project has successfully translated the intricacies of Wikidata’s contribution into actionable knowledge for a significant portion of the participant base.

Further, the project has also been effective in familiarizing participants with the basics of Wikipedia article editing. Here, 91% of participants—51% strongly agreeing and 40% agreeing—acknowledge gaining skills in this fundamental area, which is vital for the maintenance and enhancement of Wikipedia’s content quality.

A notable 96% of participants, with 66% strongly agreeing and 30% agreeing, recognized that the project had deepened their understanding of actions that promote sustainability. This underscores the project’s effectiveness in not just disseminating knowledge but also in cultivating a practical understanding of sustainability.

Lastly, a total of 100% of participants—62% strongly agreeing and 38% agreeing—reported that the project has been pivotal in teaching them how to identify reliable sources of climate information. This skill is indispensable in an era of information overload and is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of content related to climate science.

Collectively, these statistics not only reflect the project’s success in achieving its educational objectives but also offer strategic insights for the development of future initiatives. Understanding which areas resonated most strongly with participants allows for the crafting of tailored training and content development strategies that align with participants’ interests and learning preferences. It also highlights the project’s role in fostering a community of informed and skilled individuals, poised to contribute meaningfully to climate discourse and sustainability efforts.


The WikiClimateCampusTourNigeria project has made significant strides in igniting climate action and building open climate communities within Nigerian academic institutions. The high level of engagement, coupled with participants’ willingness to contribute, lays a solid foundation for ongoing initiatives. The insights gained from participant feedback provide valuable guidance for refining future programs, ensuring sustained impact, and effectively addressing the evolving needs of the community in the realm of climate and environmental knowledge documentation.


The analysis of participant and their engagement with Wikimedia projects highlights the diverse representation within the project, signifying that climate change is a concern across various backgrounds. This diversity reinforces the understanding that collective action is pivotal in addressing climate challenges. Wikimedia projects serve as collaborative platforms, offering free, accurate, and open information crucial for combating the climate crisis. In conclusion, the project’s diversity and engagement underscore the importance of collaborative efforts and accessible information in addressing and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

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