On November 2023, a book titled “70歳のウィキペディアン 図書館の魅力を語る (A 70-year-old Wikipedian talks about the charm of libraries)” was published in Japan. The author is Japanese Wikipedian 門倉百合子 (Yuriko Kadokura).
This book consists of four chapters.
Chapter 1. The road to Wikipedian
The first chapter is “ウィキペディアンへの道 (The Road to Wikipedian)”. In this chapter, the author introduces how they became a Wikipedian. This chapter also introduces some editathons held in Japan, and Japanese Wikipedians involved in outreach activities.

Chapter 2. Activities as a staff of Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation
The second chapter is “渋沢栄一記念財団でやった仕事 (Activities as a staff member of the Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation)”. In this chapter, the author looks back on the activities as a staff member of the Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation. The author says that the activities such as writing blog posts and making company histories later helped the author become Wikipedian.

Chapter 3. Wikipedia articles I wrote
The third chapter is “ウィキペディア執筆記事あれこれ (Wikipedia articles I wrote)”. In this chapter, the author introduces the Wikipedia article they edited, such as [[リディア・リプコフスカヤ (Lydia Lipkowska)]], [[古賀書店 (Koga Book Store)]] and [[ハンス・アイスラー音楽大学ベルリン (Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin)]]. I think this chapter is a particularly valuable reference for other Wikimedians.

Chapter 4. Monthly reports
The last chapter is “Wikipedia 執筆記事の記録 2023年1月〜5月 (Monthly Wikipedia reports from January 2023 to May 2023)”. In this chapter, the author looks back on their monthly activities. Actually, this chapter is influenced by the monthly reports I and Takenari Higuchi created on Japanese Diff, the Wikimedia community blog. We are glad that the author introduces our works in the chapter!
I would like to thank the author for writing a great book about Japanese Wikipedia. It will be a valuable reference for Wikimedians.

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