Reflecting on a Productive Start: GOIF’s Workshop and Wikipedia Birthday Celebration.

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As the curtains lifted on the year 2024, the Global Open Initiative Foundation (GOIF) commenced its journey with a workshop alongside Effutu librarians on January 18th. This engaging session not only unveiled GOIF’s plans for the year but also fostered discussions on strengthening partnerships and enhancing collaborative activities.

Addressing Concerns:

The workshop provided a platform for librarians to voice their concerns and suggestions. One key concern was the logistical challenge of librarians having to close their branches to attend centralised workshops. To address this, GOIF was urged to organise workshops directly at various library branches in the Effutu area, ensuring accessibility for all.

Recognising the proximity of some libraries to schools, participants proposed the inclusion of teachers in the workshops. This collaborative approach aims to synergize efforts between librarians and educators, fostering a broader impact within the community.

Technical Challenges:

The librarians expressed various technical challenges hindering their contributions. Some highlighted difficulties editing at home due to forgetfulness. Additionally, the issue of limited access to laptops for independent editing emerged as a common hurdle.

In response to these challenges, GOIF is actively considering tailored solutions, including organising more frequent workshops, providing specific tasks to participants, and exploring opportunities to offer technological resources to those in need.

Wikipedia Birthday Celebration

Participants at the birthday celebration.

On January 20th, GOIF continued its momentum with a belated but exuberant celebration of Wikipedia’s birthday. The event commenced with a comprehensive historical overview of Wikipedia, delving into discussions on sourcing, attribution, and the influence of Ghanaian media on Wikipedia content. The celebration’s highlight was a spirited Wikipedia quiz game that actively involved all participants. This interactive activity not only tested knowledge but also injected a delightful element of fun into the occasion. The festivities reached a climax with the ceremonial cutting of a birthday cake, complemented by additional enjoyable activities such as the 30 seconds game, fostering an enduring sense of community and camaraderie.

Some questions from quiz session.
Some of the volunteer organisers of the birthday celebration.

The organization of the Wikipedia Birthday Celebration was remarkable, led by a dedicated team of community members. An invitation was extended to community members to volunteer their time to organise Wikipedia’s birthday and gain experience in event planning. These committed individuals took charge of both planning and execution, demonstrating their dedication to acquiring valuable event organising skills. Beyond commemorating Wikipedia’s birthday, this initiative provided a valuable platform for these volunteers to refine their organisational abilities, establishing a strong foundation for future community-driven events. Their enthusiasm and unwavering dedication significantly contributed to the success of the celebration, exemplifying the collaborative spirit that characterises such community-driven initiatives.

Looking Ahead

As GOIF reflects on the successful initiation of 2024, the organisation stands resolute in addressing the concerns voiced by librarians. The strategic roadmap not only involves decentralised workshops but also embarks on collaborative initiatives with teachers and proposes strategic solutions to surmount technical barriers. In addition to these measures, GOIF is gearing up for a year rich with impactful projects aimed at reinforcing community bonds. Notably, upcoming endeavours include the initiation of the Ghanaian Weaving Documentation Project, aimed at preserving and promoting the rich heritage of Ghanaian weaving traditions. Furthermore, the organisation is set to curate health-related topics by actively creating articles on Wikipedia, enhancing access to vital health information within the community.
Join us on this exhilarating journey as we persist in bridging the digital divide, empowering communities, and embracing the vibrant spirit of knowledge-sharing. Anticipate more updates on GOIF’s endeavours throughout the year as we collectively work towards fostering a more connected and informed world!

Photo Credits

First photo by Valentine Badu – Taken with my phone, CC BY 4.0,

Second photo by Amuzujoe – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Third photo by Amuzujoe – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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