My First Wikimedia Hackathon

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In the heart of Tallinn, Estonia, from May 3rd to May 5th, 2024, the Wikimedia Hackathon unfolded, bringing together a diverse group of developers and enthusiasts from across the globe. The event was a celebration of collaboration, innovation, and shared mission of advancing open knowledge through technology.

As a participant in the 2024 Wikimedia Hackathon held in Tallinn from the group Wiki Mentor Africa (founded by Benedict Udeh under the Igbo Wikimedia User Group), it was an exciting and transformative experience for me that left an unforgettable mark in my journey within the Wikimedia movement. From the moment I stepped into the bustling venue, surrounded by like-minded individuals driven by a shared passion for open knowledge and collaboration, I knew I was in for an extraordinary adventure.

A Convergence of Minds

One of the most striking aspects of the hackathon was the vibrant energy that permeated the event venue. Participants, ranging from experienced Wikimedia contributors to first-time attendees like myself, gathered with a common purpose: to push the boundaries of what is possible with Wikimedia platforms. permit me to say that everyone brought their unique skills and perspectives to the table.

My task at the hackathon was enabling onscreen keyboard tailored to editing Wikidata descriptions, allowing for the seamless integration of special characters across various languages which was inspired by The User: Massly The hackathon provided a fertile ground for cross-pollination of ideas, with participants freely sharing insights and best practices across teams.

I found myself engaged in lively discussions, exchanging ideas, and learning from the wealth of knowledge that surrounded me, every interaction was an opportunity for growth and discovery.

Amidst the whirlwind of activity, I had the privilege of forging meaningful connections with fellow participants, each encounter adding a new layer of depth to my experience. One such connection was with Jon Harald Soby, whose expertise and guidance proved invaluable in ensuring the accuracy of the just approved Igala Wikipedia’s article count statistics. Another pivotal moment came through my collaboration with Martins Urbanec, whose support was instrumental in enabling Growth mentorship at

As the hackathon drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the profound impact of this experience. Beyond the lines of code and the technical challenges, what stood out most was the sense of belonging and purpose that permeated the event. In the span of just a few days, I had forged connections, with Danny Benjafield, Afi, Onyinyechi Onifade, Cynthia, Bell, Afi Maame Dufie and Raymond.

2024 Wikimedia Hackathon in Tallinn was more than just a gathering of developers and enthusiasts, it was a celebration of collaboration, creativity, and boundless potential of open knowledge. As I carry forward the lessons i learned and the memories made, I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this conference, united by a shared vision of a world where knowledge knows no bounds.

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