Wiki Loves Libraries Nigeria 2.0 Takes Flight!

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With a focus on recruiting new participants who share a passion for GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) initiatives, alongside retraining individuals previously engaged in the Wikipedia Awareness for Library and Information Science in 2022 and the inaugural Wiki Loves Libraries event, the campaign strives for inclusivity and collaboration.

As we embark on this journey, it is worth celebrating the achievements of the team thus far. Three (3) successful online training sessions have already been hosted, serving as pillars of knowledge and inspiration for all involved.

Stay tuned for updates and insights as Wiki Loves Libraries Nigeria 2.0 unfolds its chapters of empowerment and enrichment.

First (Online) Training Session: Introduction to Wiki Loves Libraries Nigeria 2.0 and Introduction to Wikipedia

Date: April 13, 2024

The session, held from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM WAT, was moderated by Miracle James. Kicking off the proceedings, Miracle extended a warm welcome to all participants before inviting Blessing Linason, the project lead, to illuminate the purpose of the campaign and highlight its previous successes. Bukola James, the founder of the initiative, then shared insights on “Why Wiki Loves Libraries Nigeria?” setting the stage for an enlightening discourse.

Transitioning seamlessly, Jeremiah Ugwulebo took the floor to introduce participants to the intricacies of Wikipedia. His comprehensive presentation delved into key topics such as the Pillars of Wikipedia, the Basics of a Wikipedia Article, the Wikipedia Article Guiding Policy, and the Overview of a Wikipedia Article.

Following the presentation, a brief interlude ensued, during which Blessing prompted participants to share the word for “library” in their native languages. Resuming, Bukola navigated attendees through the event meta page, elucidating the registration process and dashboard navigation to ensure effective project contribution. Passing the virtual baton to Blessing, she fielded questions from the engaged participants while also encouraging them to complete the attendance form and activate their cameras for a group photo session.

With that, the day’s program concluded on a high note, wrapping up a session brimming with insights, engagement, and collaborative spirit.

Event Details

Second (Online) Training Session: Introduction to Wikidata

Date: April 20, 2024

Moderating the session, Miracle James commenced with a recap of the previous session on Introduction to Wikipedia. Spanning from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM West Central African Time, the stage was then set for the day’s trainer, Rhoda James, to take the spotlight and delve into her presentation on Introduction to Wikidata. Rhoda’s comprehensive presentation encompassed fundamental topics including What is a Wiki?, What is Data?, Structured Data vs. Unstructured Data, Features of Wikidata, Structure of Wikidata, and How Wikidata Supports Other Wikimedia Projects.

Post-presentation, Rhoda seamlessly transitioned into the practical session, demonstrating to participants the intricacies of creating a Wikidata item from scratch and improving existing ones.

The subsequent Q&A segment was handled by Bukola James, facilitating an interactive exchange of queries and insights. As the session drew to a close, participants were encouraged to join in a photo session by activating their cameras, marking a fitting conclusion to an enriching session of learning and collaboration.

Event Details

Third (Online) Training Session: Introduction to Wikimedia Commons

Date: April 27, 2024

This marked the final online training session for Wiki Loves Libraries Nigeria 2.0, with Miracle James resuming her moderation. Spanning from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM WAT, the day’s focus centered on “Introduction to Wikimedia Commons.” Miracle began by recapping the preceding sessions, ensuring that all participants, regardless of prior attendance, could glean valuable insights.

Next, the floor was handed over to the trainer of the day, Blessing Linason, who delved into a comprehensive presentation on various facets of Wikimedia Commons. From elucidating the essence of Wiki Commons to exploring elements of Creative Commons and delineating permissible actions, Blessing’s session provided a holistic understanding of the platform. Participants were also treated to a practical demonstration on image uploading, ensuring they left equipped with the necessary skills to contribute effectively.

The subsequent Q&A session facilitated an engaging exchange of queries and clarifications, further enriching participants’ understanding. A quick photo session added a touch of camaraderie and solidarity before drawing the session to a close.

Event Details

As we bid farewell to the online training session and look forward to the physical training session, let us carry forth the knowledge and insights gained as we continue our journey of enriching the digital landscape through Wiki Loves Libraries Nigeria 2.0. Together, let us forge ahead in our commitment to democratizing access to knowledge and fostering a culture of collaborative learning and contribution.

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