Celebrating Excellence: Wiki Loves Bangla Photography Contest and Amar Ekushey Article Contest 2024

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Group photograph of the participants at the Wiki Loves Bangla Photography Contest and Amar Ekushey Article Contest 2024 prize-giving ceremony, held at Bishwo Shahitto Kendro, Dhaka.
Photo by Gangulybiswarup, published under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

On April 26, 2024, the vibrant community of Wikipedians gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the Wiki Loves Bangla Photography Contest and the Amar Ekushey Article Contest. Organized by Wikimedia Bangladesh, the prize-giving ceremony took place at the esteemed Bishwo Shahitto Kendro, located at 17 Mymensingh Road, Dhaka. This prestigious event was graced by approximately 26 Wikipedians and guests from both Bangladesh and India, marking a day of recognition and shared experiences.

From left to right, Sakib, Shakil, Mehedi, Yahya, Dolon, and Anup Sadi waiting to enter Bishwa Sahitya Kendra.
Photo by Gangulybiswarup, published under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

The ceremony began with the felicitation of the top contributors from both competitions. These dedicated individuals were honored with crests, certificates, and vouchers in acknowledgment of their outstanding contributions. The award ceremony was a testament to the hard work and passion of the participants, who have significantly enriched the Bangla Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons with their entries.

The highlight of the event was the distribution of crests to the winners, each symbolizing their remarkable achievements. As the awards were handed out, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Winning contestants and members of the organizing team took the stage to share their experiences, providing inspiring insights into their journeys and the importance of such collaborative efforts in promoting Bangla language and culture.

A moment of appreciation as reviewers of the Amar Ekushey Article Contest 2024 receive their well-deserved mementos. Their dedication and expertise have played a viatal role in enriching Bangla Wikipedia. Photos by Gangulybiswarup, published under CC-BY SA 4.0.

Following the award ceremony, attendees enjoyed a well-deserved lunch break, which offered an opportunity for further networking and camaraderie. The break was a delightful interlude, filled with engaging conversations and a shared enthusiasm for the Wikimedia projects.

Biswarup Ganguly shares his expertise during photography workshop, inspiring participants to explore the art of photography.
Photo by Dolon Prova, published under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

Post-lunch, the event resumed with an educational workshop on photography, conducted by Wikimedia Commons contributor Biswarup Ganguly. This workshop aimed to equip participants with advanced photography skills, enhancing their ability to contribute high-quality images to Wikimedia Commons. Biswarup’s expertise and engaging teaching style made the session both informative and enjoyable for all attendees.

The Amar Ekushey Article Contest 2024 saw an impressive submission of 330 articles, collectively amounting to 600,000 words. These contributions have significantly enriched the repository of Bangla content on Wikipedia, reflecting the participants’ dedication to preserving and promoting their language. Simultaneously, the Wiki Loves Bangla Photography Contest received an astounding 2107 image uploads, each capturing the rich culinary heritage of Bangla with tantalizing food photography.

The event at Bishwa Sahitya Kendra was not just a ceremony but a celebration of community spirit, collaborative achievements, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and cultural preservation. It highlighted the power of collective effort in fostering a vibrant and diverse digital space for Bangla speakers worldwide.

As we look forward to future contests, the 2024 prize-giving ceremony stands as a reminder of the incredible impact that dedicated individuals can have on preserving and promoting their culture and language through digital platforms. Congratulations to all the winners and participants, and a heartfelt thank you to Wikimedia Bangladesh for organizing such an inspiring event.

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