Training for  Indonesian Wikipedia Administrators to Safeguard Knowledge Integrity Ahead of the Regional Elections

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The initial phase of the training initiative for Indonesian Wikimedia volunteers, in partnership with UNESCO Jakarta and as part of the UNESCO EU-funded “Social Media 4 Peace” project, has been completed. This phase equipped Wikimedia project administrators (trusted volunteers with advanced permission to protect Wikipedia) with knowledge of international standards on freedom of expression and content moderation. Participants also learned how to identify hate speech and were trained in strategies for recognizing credible and trustworthy information online, as well as using tools to detect and combat misinformation.

Held in Jakarta from August 30 to September 1, 2024, the event brought together 17 Wikimedia project administrators from across the country. The training featured in-depth discussions and workshops designed to provide administrators with (1) a deep understanding of freedom of expression, misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech; (2) insights into identifying gaps in content moderation practices and policies on Indonesian Wikipedia; (3) tools for detecting information inaccuracies; and (4) resources provided by the Wikimedia Foundation to support them in preserving knowledge integrity and ensure their safety.

As the main partner of the project, participation from the UNESCO Jakarta Office was pivotal. Ana Lomtadze, Head of the Communication and Information Unit at UNESCO Jakarta, delivered her keynote speech on the “UNESCO Guidelines on Regulating Digital Platforms”. The presentation received positive feedback from participants, who were particularly interested in the five key pillars of digital platform governance: transparency, checks and balances, openness, accessibility, and the protection and promotion of cultural diversity. The administrators expressed their strong interest in exploring how these pillars could be integrated into Indonesian Wikipedia policies.

Clarifying the concepts of freedom of expression, misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech was also essential for participants to strengthen their awareness  and understanding of the legal risks associated with these issues under Indonesian law. We invited Dr. Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum (Atmajaya University) and Zainal Abidin (Elsam) to share their insights as Indonesian digital rights experts. During their sessions, they emphasized the importance of understanding international standards and regulations for protecting freedom of expression and shared basic legal guidelines for safeguarding free speech in the digital space. Dr. Saptaningrum also led an exercise where administrators reviewed a Wikipedia article’s content to test their knowledge and ability to identify gaps in content moderation practices and policies that might conflict with Indonesian law.

Additionally,  the training introduced both internal and external tools to help Wikimedia administrators protect knowledge integrity on Wikipedia. Representatives from the Wikimedia Foundation shared tools and resources that support administrators in tackling misinformation and disinformation. These included the Automoderator tool, Incident Reporting System, Anti-Disinformation Repository, Trust and Safety Disinformation Training, Digital Risk Security Training, and channels to reach the Foundation’s Disinformation and Human Rights teams. 

Recognizing that combating misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech requires cross-stakeholder collaboration, we also invited the Cekfakta team, a prominent fact-check organization from Indonesia. During the session, the team shared valuable insights on external, open-sourced tools that the administrators can use to verify the authenticity of information and media shared online through various reference sources.

At the end of the training session, we evaluated the outcomes and received positive feedback from the participants.

Agus shared his insight from participating in the workshop. “The training focused on identifying and addressing misinformation and disinformation was particularly relevant, given my work in my home city. The workshop also offered practical guidance on protecting personal data and complying with internet regulations, which will be invaluable in supporting my community’s digital engagement.”

Syifa also found that the workshop gave her new knowledge and skills. “​​The content was relevant and comprehensive, covering freedom of expression and content moderation guidelines. The training also introduced valuable tools like the Automoderator tool and fact-checking sessions, which will be instrumental in my role as an administrator.”

As a follow-up to this training, Rachmat Wahidi (Wikimedia Indonesia Chair) shared that this training is the first in a series of activities that will be extended to bring in all other Wikimedia contributors and several cultural groups in three cities in Indonesia. “This is part of our commitment to developing the skills of our contributors as an important part of the Wikimedia movement in Indonesia.”

For more details about the program, including the training schedule and objectives, please visit this page on the Indonesian Wikipedia.

This post was created in collaboration with UNESCO Jakarta as part of the #SocialMedia4Peace Project, funded by the European Union.

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