Britain Loves Wikipedia competition starts 31 January 2010

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Wikimedia UK logoStarting 31 January and during the entire month of February 2010, participating museums in Great Britain are joining with people from all ages, backgrounds and communities to celebrate Britain Loves Wikipedia.  The public is encouraged to photograph the multitude of national treasures contained in Britain’s collections, releasing them under a free license to be used to illustrate Wikipedia articles and much more.
The initiative is being spearheaded by the volunteer chapter based in the United Kingdom, Wikimedia UK.  Wikimedia’s volunteer chapters (which now number at 27 and continue to grow) support the movement by carrying out fundraising, public outreach, and relationship building in their respective territories.
You can read more about Britain Loves Wikipedia on the Wikimedia UK blog here. If you’re in the UK through the coming month, join up and help grow Wikimedia’s collection of freely reusable images and media!
Cary Bass, Volunteer Coordinator

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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[…] A Contest For the UK: Britain Loves Wikipedia Competition Starts 31 January 2010 From the Wikimedia Blog: […]

Johnathan Vrozos and his team love what the UK is doing to encourage the spreading of wealth of knowledge within Wikipedia.
We must do the same in Canada, this is great.