Let’s Connect June Connectathon


Let's Connect monthly Connectathon happens every first Friday of the month. It is an opportunity for all Let's Connect participants to understand what is going...

WikiForHumanRights Expert Panel

We would like to invite the Wikimedia communities and collaborators to a Panel hosted by Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) representatives, UN Human Rights, and UNEP. The...

11th Annual Wiki Workshop

A forum bringing together researchers exploring all aspects of Wikimedia projects. Held virtually as a standalone event.

Conversation with the Trustees

Quarterly open conversation between Wikimedia community members and the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. These conversations are an opportunity for community members to speak directly...

Expanding Edit Check

Following the deployment of References Check and its promising results, the time has come to consider the next steps. You are invited to discuss about...

Let’s Connect July Connectathon


Let's Connect monthly Connectathon happens every first Friday of the month. It is an opportunity for all Let's Connect participants to understand what is going...