Offline Reader available for Sugar

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Source: “Fuse-Project”; upload to OLPC-Wiki: OLPC user “Walter” (CC-BY-SA-2.5)

In the quest to get the information resource Wikipedia into the hands of the entire world, we are excited to note that the offline Wikipedia reader Kiwix has recently been extended to read offline Wikipedia files on the Sugar operating system!
Sugar is an open source desktop environment specifically customized for children. It runs on the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) XO computers, which are often distributed throughout areas of the world without access to the Internet. Now, the students who get one of these computers will have the ability to access information from the largest open educational resource in the world via a great interface!
Congratulations to developers reg and Kelson and to Wikimedia Switzerland for the execution and funding of this project. We hope to hear many inspiring stories about deployments and use cases! To help beta test, see the downloading options at sugarlabs (be sure to download Sugar first). See the Offline Projects page for a broad overview of Offline Wikipedia and information on how to get involved.
Jessie Wild
Special Projects Manager, Global Development
About Kiwix:
Kiwix is a full featured offline reader for Web content, specifically designed for the Offline Wikipedia projects. It stores the content in the ZIM file format, a highly compressed open format with additional metadata. The project is supported by a host of volunteers led by developers reg and Kelson. Kiwix is free software and offers localized options. For more information, see

Archive notice: This is an archived post from, which operated under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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[…] Το Kiwix είναι ένας  πλήρης offline  αναγνώστης για περιεχόμενο διαδικτύου,  που έχει  σχεδιαστεί ειδικά για τα εγχειρήματα  Offline  Wikipedia. Aποθηκεύει το περιεχόμενο σε μορφή αρχείου ZIM, ένα εξαιρετικά συμπιεσμένο ανοιχτό  φορμάτ   με  πρόσθετα μεταδεδομένα.  Το έργο υποστηρίζεται από ένα πλήθος εθελοντών με επικεφαλής τους προγραμματιστές reg και Kelson.  To Kiwix είναι ελεύθερο λογισμικό και προσφέρει επιλογές τοπικοποίησης. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, δείτε Πηγή: Blog […]

I have heard about Kiwix & I am very much exited about that.

[…] Puedes descargar la Wikipedia completa aquí. Se trata de un archivo OpenZIM que se puede descargar a través de Torrent y puede ser leído por múltiples aplicaciones, siendo la más conocida Kiwix, disponible para MAC, Windows, Linux y también Sugar. […]

[…] OpenZIM files can be read in multiple reader applications, the most popular of which is Kiwix, available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and Sugar. […]