USW S1E4: Out of Wikipedia What Else?

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A hand holding a phone with the Wikipedia logo

Being the eldest and most common Wikimedia project, Wikipedia has been a starting point for many newly established Wiki communities. This is due to its popularity to many, not just the editors/members but also not Wiki members. Being ranked in the top ten most visited sites worldwide make it a place of interest to many.

Since the start of the University Students Wikimedians (USW) community back in May 2021, all of its communities (Morogoro, Dodoma, and Iringa regions) have all been focusing on contributing to Wikipedia mostly the Swahili version. Below is a look back on the standing statistically in the Wikipedia Project:

ItemQuantitative Statistics
Number of editors463
New editors172
Articles edited43,779
Articles created14,893
References added1,060
A table representing statistical data

It has been a quite long journey from the beginning of the project as an experimental project back in 2019 to be fully operational in May 2021. The community has had students from different institutions joining the movement and volunteering to contribute to the Wikimedia Projects.

As a community, we have been able to collaborate with other communities in Tanzania in making sure that the above statistics are achieved. We were able to work closely with the Wikimedia Community Arusha with whom we’ve done close interactions in different programs.

Also, we participated and had members from the Wikimedia Community User Group Tanzania participating in our activities thus enhancing knowledge sharing among the members. Much thanks to the Jenga Wikipedia ya Kiswahili community most of who are administrators who have played a great role in shaping the USW members. Some photos from different events.

Morogoro Region USW Community
User:CaliBen from Arusha providing training to the Dodoma USW Community
Iringa USW Community poses for a photo
User:Magotech poses for a photo with Wikimedia Community Arusha after a workshop (Women in Wiki)
Attending one of the events hosted by the Wikimedia Community User Group Tanzania

So out of Wikipedia what else?

The Wikimedia Movement hosts more projects than just Wikipedia. The University Students Wikimedians (USW) would love to contribute to other projects in the coming season two. And yes we are ready to board some new projects.

On 17th December we celebrated the Wikidata10 birthday through which we introduced the community to the Wikidata project. The project is still new to many of the members in Tanzania compared to Wikipedia, however, we are currently seeking experienced editors in the project to provide training to the members.

However, in the coming season two, we hope also to cover the Wikiquote project together with Wikidata while collaborating with the Wikimedia Community Arusha on contributing to the WikiVoyage project. Find photos below from the Wikidata event:

USW Community members from different regions together for a photo
USW Members holding the Wikidata10 cake
A combination of members in a workshop and a cake

Write us an email at or reach us via WhatsApp at +255685261018. Connect with us on our social media platforms: FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn

Read our last article via the below links:

USW S1E2: What it takes to build a Wiki Community in Tanzania [Part 1].

Archive notice: This is an archived post from the News section on, which operates under different editorial and content guidelines than Diff.

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