WiR Anglophone Bi-Weekly Webinar: Unlocking the Power of Compelling Storytelling through Diff 24 July 202324 July 2023 by Bukola Jamesand Code for Africa WiR Community
India’s proposed intermediary liability rules could limit everyone’s access to information online 26 December 2019 by Amanda Keton
Turkish Constitutional Court rules that the two and a half year block of Wikipedia is unconstitutional 26 December 20191 October 2020 by Wikimedia Foundation
Why the Wikimedia Foundation has not signed on to the Contract for the Web 23 December 2019 by Wikimedia Foundation
District Court rules for government in Wikimedia Foundation’s mass surveillance case against the NSA 17 December 2019 by Jim Buattiand Aeryn Palmer
Wikimedia Foundation and UN Human Rights launch #WikiForHumanRights campaign to improve and expand knowledge about human rights online 10 December 2019 by Jorge Vargasand Alex Stinson