Unveiling the Wiki Women Camp and its Cohorts for Strategic Advancement and Capacity Development

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The WikiWomenCamp 2023 (WWC 2023) is a highly anticipated event that celebrates and empowers women contributors within the Wikimedia Movement. After a gap of six years, the WWC returns, and this time, WWC 2023 is happening in India – a country known for its rich cultural diversity and immense potential in fostering gender equality. 

As WWC 2023 expands its reach globally, hosting this event in India signifies its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion on a global scale. 

Considering the changed scenario and strategic advancement, the camp is designed with a renewed vigor and focus, under the theme “Map Up, Rise Up.” Acknowledging the need for a more targeted approach, WWC 2023 has organized its program under two cohorts:

  1. Strategic Cohort: This cohort is dedicated to analyzing the current status of women within the Wikimedia Movement and devising comprehensive plans to foster their growth. Discussions on gender disparities, strategic initiatives, and long-term goals will be the focus.
  2. Capacity Cohort: The capacity cohort will equip participants with the skills and knowledge to translate the strategies formulated by the strategic cohort into action. With a two-year plan in place, this cohort will work diligently to carry forward the initiatives and effect positive change.
Islahaddow, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The priorities of the capacity building cohort were finalized in two activities- a mentimeter exercise during Wikimania 2023 followed by an internal survey sent to the participants. Our program and training for the capacity development cohort will be based on the identified priorities.

WWC 2023’s call for scholarships witnessed an overwhelming response, with 441 applications received from enthusiastic participants. Only 60 candidates have been selected, making the selection rate a competitive 13.6%. The camp’s popularity speaks volumes about the growing interest in promoting gender diversity and women’s empowerment in the Wikimedia movement.

In the spirit of knowledge-sharing and mentorship, WWC 2023 also opened a call for trainers within the movement. Experienced and like-minded individuals are stepping up to support and guide on their transformative journey.

WWC 2023 is not merely an event but a movement in itself. It aims to bridge the gender gap within the Wikimedia movement by empowering women contributors to take on leadership roles and make a substantial impact.

By fostering an inclusive environment and providing a platform for collaboration and growth, WWC 2023 is set to be a turning point in the journey towards gender equity within the movement.


WikiWomenCamp 2023 marks a significant step towards promoting gender diversity and women’s empowerment in the Wikimedia movement. With strategic planning and capacity building at its core, this gathering promises to uplift the voices of women contributors, amplifying their impact across Wikimedia platforms.

As the movement gains momentum, the WikiWomenCamp stands as a beacon of hope, leading the way towards a more inclusive, diverse, and empowered Wikimedia community.

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