♻️ This event is part of the Wikidata Data Reuse Days 2022.
How is Wikidata’s data used for applications related to civic tech, analyzing political context and keeping track of political stakeholder and decisions? In this session, we will discover several Wikidata-powered projects related to politics:
Each project will be presented in 10 minutes, then we will have some time for discussions and exchange on various themes: How do they retrieve and use Wikidata’s data? What interesting challenges they encountered on the way? How to encourage people to contribute to Wikidata and improve existing data?
🎥 Important: this session is going to be recorded, and the video will be published on Wikimedia Deutschland’s Youtube channel under the license CC BY SA 4.0 and according to our privacy policy. Please make sure that your microphone and camera are disabled if you don’t want to appear in the recording. We will keep time at the end of the session if you want to participate off-record.