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🎈 Let’s Connect Learning Clinic: Spotlight on Women’s Health in Wikimedia Projects.

14 June @ 16:00 18:00 UTC

:point_right: What is this Learning Clinic for?

  • To Initiate the mapping of existing Wikimedia initiatives related to Women’s Health.
  • To deepen participants’ understanding of the importance of Women’s Health topics, including Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and of ongoing efforts within the Wikimedia ecosystem.
  • To explore the potential for establishing a permanent Wikimedia community of practice focused on Women’s Health topics.

:point_right: What do I need to prepare? :brain:

  • You are encouraged to explore the Wikimedia Women’s Health initiatives’ mapping the world. Be bold to update it with related topics and projects!

Primary Event Language


Secondary Language

Español, Português, Français and العربية