Balinese Wikisource (WikiPustaka) gives a new life to palm-leaf manuscripts 15 November 202123 November 2021 by Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Opportunities to improve integration between Wikisource and Wikidata 15 July 202115 July 2021 by Krishna Chaitanya Velagaand Satdeep Gill
Punjabi Wikisource gifts non-traditional sources to Wikipedia through #1lib1ref 15 April 202024 July 2020 by Wikilover90
Rupika from India: Knowledge Equity Calendar 11 December 201928 October 2020 by Cornelius_Kibelka_WMDE
How can Structured Data on Commons, Wikidata, and Wikisource walk hand in hand? A pilot project with Punjabi Qisse 7 December 2019 by Satdeep Gill (WMF)
Wikisource For A Social Justice:Story of Gujarati Wikimedians Helping the Visually Impaired 27 August 2019 by Wikimedia Space
By digitizing venerable translations, they’re bringing the world’s literary history to Punjabi speakers 8 August 2019 by Wikimedia Space