DCW Conversation Hour July 2023

The conversation hour will cover an overview of TWL, including its purpose, usage guidelines, and tips for maximizing its benefits. The speaker will provide a live demonstration, showcasing how to access the library's collections and utilize advanced tools such as integrated search.

Wikimedia Research Showcase


Theme: Improving knowledge integrity in Wikimedia projects YouTube link: https://youtube.com/live/_8DevIsi44s?feature=share You can join the conversation on IRC at #wikimedia-research. You can also watch our past research...

The Other Side of Wikipedia

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Other Side of Wikipedia is a workshop co-organised by the Deoband Community Wikimedia (DCW) and the English Researchers Collective under the latter's Writer’s Kitchen series. This workshops aim to peek behind the curtains to understand the fundamentals of Wikipedia editing and give the audience the basic tools needed to start right now.